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Archie has been neutered - should I be worried?


Mama Doe
Hi there.

Just being a paranoid bunny mum but Archie was neutered today and he looks a bit grumpy. He is not interested in his veg or his pellets though he has taken some hay. That boy loves his hay. Just little amounts though

There are a few wee droppings since he came home (about 4 of them). Should I be worried yet about his lack of interest in food.

He is sort of doing a funny stretch with his back end. Apart from being a bit uncomfy, do you think this is pain. I have looked but I am rubbish with man bunny bits :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: (sounds a bit wierd I know!) so don't really know what I am looking for. It just looks a bit baldy

Fiona x
He does sound a bit fragile, my female, Smokey, was the same when she was spayed, she hardly touched anything for the first day or so.

I would keep tempting him with his favourite foods, although as long as he is eating hay he is at least getting something. Also, if he is indoors and he is usually outside, that can sometimes upset their eating, it always does with my lot. When is his follow up appointment? You can raise the food issue then if he isn't back to normal.
Hiya, when Pippa was spayed she didn't eat for the first day - I eventually tempted her with grated carrot and when she ate that I mixed some pellets and hay up with it and she started eating.

If you feel he looks in pain I'd take him back this morning for a painkiller injection
Hello. After a minor panic about no overnight poos and wees, Archie performed both on command!

He is eating little and often so I am happy.

Will give him more Metacam if he needs it though he is hopping about quite happily and starting to beg again.

Had a look 'down below' :oops: His man bits are still there - is this right. I can see a little incision right at the 'join' of them. What has the vet done? :oops: :oops: :oops: Have the insides been removed.

Also, not got a follow-up appointments? Is this ok? Vet says stitches were dissolvable.

Fiona x
Hi, Yes just the empty sacs should just be left... When Fudge was done a few weeks back I was suprised that he still had what look liked his testicles left. .. One of Fudge's sac was infected :( he must of caught or pulled a stitch. I had to take him back and they had to operate again and remove the infected sac, ended up being a very expensive neaturing ..
Hi, When i had suzie spayed a couple of week ago they asked me to bring her back in 3/4 days time just to make sure it was healing properly. I think you should ring and make a follow up appointment if you are unsure. Suzie never ate the first day but was back to normal eating and drinking after 24 hours I think its just cos of the medication.
Glad Archie`s feeling better this morning. :D
You`ll still be able to see his man bits for a couple of weeks, as basically the vets done a little incision & removed the offending articles. His sacs will shrivell up over time.
Mine don`t do post op checks on males with dispersable stitches, just check the area regularily to makesure it looks nice & healthy.

Hope that helps,

P.S. Sorry about the not so technical terminolgy! :oops: :lol: :lol: