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Advice on rabbits going outside


Warren Veteran
Hi, I have 2 house rabbits( I'm sure some of you already know I talk about the often enough)... :)
Hopefully I am getting a hutch & run this week for the garden, now do you think I can let my 2 buns out for a little fresh air everyday ?
Bertie is not used to going out only in the summer but Molly has only been a house bunny for 2 weeks.. I wouldn't let them out for long maybe 1/2 hour a day, Molly is only 6 months & wants to play so I think she'd love to go out & have a little explore ...
karen x
After reading different posts I'm petrified of a fox or cat getting them when out in their hutch & run.. I doubt very much a fox would come into our garden but I know cats are around :(
Are the run and hutch all in good condition? No damage or rotting? Is the run covered ie does it have a lid? Do they both have glavanised steel mesh rather than the chicken wire type mesh?
If so then they will be fine!
If the run is on grass then you just have to watch for digging, but in that short amount of time I can't see you having any problems :D
I don't think I'd put Bertie out now as it's a bit cold and he won't have had chance to build up a winter coat.

Keep a close eye on Molly for digging, I put a run on grass in the summer and left them for only about 15 mins and when I went out MJ's head was sticking out the other side of the run :shock: luckily his bum was too big to follow :lol: Their run is now on concrete but tbh they don't like going out now it's wet and cold so they're in the shed until spring.
I will leave Bertie where he is until the warmer weather comes..
I'll make sure the run is placed on paving slabs or could I try bricks around the edges of the run so she can't tunnel her way out..
The cage is only 4ft but theres a run with it also & they will only be using it as playtime in the day, oh & separately still haven't bonded them yet :(
Will wait until Molly is spayed..
Hi Karen
I occassionally let my two house rabbits out when it is dry. I just open the door and they have a run round on the (enclosed) patio whilst I keep an eye on them.

They're never out for long tho...soon come barrelling back in :lol: . If I was putting them in a run I think it might be best to only do it for short periods tho.