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Jessica's a bit quiet?

Its been 3 days (Thursday) since she's been speyed, and she had a check up on Sat and everything is fine.

I just want to check if this is normal, but she seems very quiet compared to her usual self, just lying around and not doing much. She has been doing her usual naughty things, jumping on the sofa and escaping from her cage every once in a whle, but she seems to be resting quite a lot - is she still trying to get over her annesthetic?

Its just that I miss her running and jumping about and getting into mischief like she normally was, there wasn't a moment I saw her resting, infact I wondered if she ever slept at all (by the way what do bunnies look like when they sleep as I've never managed to see her - do they curl up like hamsters? Do they close their eyes?)

Would be grateful if someone could advise me - thanks.
Hello. Glad Jessica is Ok after her spey. It sounds perfectley normal that she doesnt want to be dashing around, The pain relief will have run out, and she'll be sore, as we would be! She should be back to her normal self before you know it :wink: Xx
Ahhh thanks guys - I was beginning to think she'd turned into my lazy cats who both do nothing but snooze all day. Anyway between her naps she's showing a bit of energy - eating my new plants etc!

I want her to get back to her naughty self, I love her soooo much!!!
Its been 11 days now since her op and she's not the same bunny :(

She's not really her cheeky friendly self anymore, she tries to run away if I approach her and when I put her on my lap she's not happy and jumps off. Before she was quite content with a cuddle.

She just seems like she wants to be away from me and is not curious about us at all :( or even curious about the house she just either stays in the garden or in her hutch, whearas before she used to get everywhere, under my feet and making a mischief of herself.

Any advice - I want the old jess back.
Is she eating and pooing normally?
What about drinking and weeing?

First I have a word with your Vet just to rule out any physical cause for her behaviour.
If after another Vet check all is well I think you need to try to encourage her to socialise with you more. Food is a good way to attract a Buns attention :roll: :lol:
How much time are you able to spend with her? If she is on her one whilst you are at work have you considered adopting a male Bunny as a companion for her?
Try making the contact with her more on HER terms. So instead of picking her up and sitting with her on your lap you sit on the floor with her. Offer treats and nose rubs :D

Hope some of this helps
