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Sharon, my Kirby foster very ill, any ideas?


Wise Old Thumper
I've had to drive around the streets to find a wifi router to connect to, can't stay long as I look suspicious on my laptop in my car outsise someones house.

I left work early to check on my buns, such a good job I did as I think if it had been another ten - twenty minutes she would of been dead. I came in at 5.30 to find Sharon lying on her side gasping for breath she was breathing out of her mouth loud. I got some water and covered her face and head but he couldn't even lift her head off the the floor and she couldn't breath, so I grabbed her, stuck her in a carrier and rushed her to the vets, luckily Mel was working.

She was still breathing bad, then when Mel lifted her out poo started coming out of her and white stuff out her nose. Mel took her Tempreture and it was 42, which she said was extremely high for a rabbit. Mel got a bowl of cold water and we just put her in and covered her in water, she was given fluid and injected with antibiotics. I was told she is very poorly and to expect the worse, although she had started to perk up at the vets. I've brought her home, I've got to keep her cool, syringe fluids into her and away from other buns, I've got biolapis and baytrill for her. She is a very old bunny and she's seen David (the other vet) last week, because I was concerned about her weight lose and she had her cylap. David checked her and said although she has lost weight she is heathy. Mel said she may have an infection and the stress of the hot weather as bought it out. Considering it was looking unlikely she would last the night, she has just eaten food out of my hand and is sitting up and holding her head up by herself, she was just a floppy bun earlier. She is pooing normally now and the stuff has stopped coming out of her nose that seemed like a freak incident that happene at the vets. She is on her own in my spare room with two fans on her and considering what she look like earlier she seems like a different bunny. Mel had istened o her chest and although she was gasping there wasn't any conjestion, so Mel thought it was unlikly to be snuffles, although she said don't put her with Ozzy and keep her away from other buns untill whatever the white stuff was has been sorted.

I've let Celia know at Kirby she said she was with her at least three years, she has been with me about a year (maybe a little longer) and when she went into rescue her sister died almost straight away, so they could of been old already, although her age is unknown. Celia was ace and offered to pay but I'd already covered the bill anyway, it never occured to me to ring her when I found her as all I could think if was getting her to the vets.

Considering she was so poorly it's after nine and she still with us so she is a little fighter. Could it of just bthe weather?

Any advice thoughts would be nice, I will try and get out in the car again in a bit and see if anyones repliedI can't get on at home because omething is blocking the wifi.
poor sharon
It does sound like it could be the heat especially if she is picking up now,
Hope shes ok xxx
Thanks Maria, I nearly had a heart attack when I saw her, don't think I'm going into work tomorrow, I think may stay and keep an eye on her. :(
Oh God Tree :shock: :cry:

From what you descibe it sounds like heat stroke.
The white stuff from her nose being secretions she has produced in response to the physiological effects of extreme heat.
If she is elderly she just may not be able to cope with the heat. Young healthy Buns struggle.
As she has responded so well to emergency care then I think there is hope for her. Can you give sub/cut fluids? If not try to get at least 20 ml oral Bio-Lapis into her every 2-3 hours.
I so hope she pulls through. Thank goodness you acted so promptly as you have given her the best possible chance.

Just one thought. How many days since her Cylap :?
Mel might think it worth reporting this incident to the Vaccine manufacturers :?

Jack's-Jane said:
Oh God Tree :shock: :cry:

From what you descibe it sounds like heat stroke.
The white stuff from her nose being secretions she has produced in response to the physiological effects of extreme heat.
If she is elderly she just may not be able to cope with the heat. Young healthy Buns struggle.
As she has responded so well to emergency care then I think there is hope for her. Can you give sub/cut fluids? If not try to get at least 20 ml oral Bio-Lapis into her every 2-3 hours.
I so hope she pulls through. Thank goodness you acted so promptly as you have given her the best possible chance.

Just one thought. How many days since her Cylap :?
Mel might think it worth reporting this incident to the Vaccine manufacturers :?


She had it on Thursday so only a few days ago, I will get mel to report it. I ll keep her in now, until the weathers cool, I hope she survives because she's such a lovley bun. I don't know wh sub-cut fluids are but I will do the biolapis every couple hours :thumb: thanks Jane :D
DOn't have any advice - just wanted to wish you both well. Hope Sharon's feeling much better soon.
SOAD said:
Thanks Maria, I nearly had a heart attack when I saw her, don't think I'm going into work tomorrow, I think may stay and keep an eye on her. :(
I bet!
Ive been out all day today i was so worried about the buns/ pigs
but they were all ok thank goodness
:shock: :shock:

It must be a day for poorly buns, one of mine's gone downhill this evening :cry:

Lots of healing vibes for poor Sharon, I really hope she makes it :)
Thanks for all the well wishes. Sharon is still with us, I gave her fluids every few hours and got up about five to put the fans back on. The next time I went in she was sat in the middle of the two so she is enjoying them. Although they are as old as the ark, so now I'm paranoid the house will have burnt down, bythe time I get home. Argos in wednesfield had sold out of them last night so I've got some off my mom.

She had started to pant again when I left for work, but through her nose (well more heavy breathing then panting) but nothing like she was yeserday. I went to bed at five for an hour and when I got back up she had eaten all her food by herself. I've had to come into work this morning, but I'm staying until lunch time then taking work home to do. She will be due more fluids then.

She is a completely different bunny to the one I found yeserday though, so touch wood she'll get pull through fine. :D

Thank you for all your help and support , this bloody weather.
Oh...definitely, fresh veggies with water spray on it, as well as smal amt. of fruit but make sure not too much or else fruit can create too much gas in the system. So I would just use feed small amount in say a 3 - 4 times a day, approx. onc every 6 hr. for small piece of fruit.

IN the past many centuries, Asian believes that watermelon can be use, somewhat like a medicine, for the purpose of relief heat due to hot weather, so it's more than just a fruit. They called it "relieve heat" fruit.
Happy Hopping said:
Oh...definitely, fresh veggies with water spray on it, as well as smal amt. of fruit but make sure not too much or else fruit can create too much gas in the system. So I would just use feed small amount in say a 3 - 4 times a day, approx. onc every 6 hr. for small piece of fruit.

IN the past many centuries, Asian believes that watermelon can be use, somewhat like a medicine, for the purpose of relief heat due to hot weather, so it's more than just a fruit. They called it "relieve heat" fruit.

Wicked idea, I will get soem watermelon and I'll get some veggies to soak :D
Can`t offer any further advice but just wanted to know i`m thinking of you and sending bucket loads of positive vibes Sharon`s way.

Just sending some healing vibes for Sharon, I cant offer any advise but i'm thinking of you xx :love: :love: