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Wire netting for run


Mama Doe
Sorry to be a pain cos I expect this has been asked before but I tried searching and got bogged down :roll:

Anyone got any ideas where I can get wire or netting to use as a temp barrier when the buns are in the garden and what sort to use? Was thinking of using strong canes to keep it upright. Have a nice bit of garden up the top for them to explore but cant section it off permanantly :D
I know Homebase sell wire mesh on a roll.
I think Wickes sell it too :? :?
I guess most builders merchants would have something similar and possibly cheaper!!

i got my wire mesh from ebay.

a lot cheaper then the shops but it depends how much you want

i think i got 30m for around 25 quid, but if you dont want that much then try bnq or other garden centres.
You could try Wilkinsons- I've seen strong green garden wire mesh on a roll in there and will probably be quite cheap. :D

Actually might try getting some of that myself! :D
I was thinking Wilkos actually - I think they had some plastic covered stuff the last time I was in there - just really wondered what you lot had tried and found did the job :wink: I would want about 10 yds (dont do metric :roll: )
I dont really like the plastic covered mesh cos some buns insist on nibbling the plastic off :roll: :roll:
I just worry it may cause a prob if they actually eat it :? :?

If I were you I'd get a pen instead, they're usually about £26 and last a lot longer, take up less space and are much stronger and chew proof!
mole valley farmers in frome (its on the standerwick market site) used to have loads of different wire netting in various sized rolls. they always used to be fairly cheap too :D
Thanks guys - Jane - I know what you mean, but I hope they would be more interested in exploring the garden! :lol:
Raven guest - I have grass runs for them but the way the top garden is set out ie gravel with a island of plants in the middle and shrubs all round and some grass, I thought they would like a free rein :wink:
Donna - thanks for that - theres a mole Valley in Yeovil - I will pop in and see what theyve got tomorrow :)