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What do you think about this


Warren Scout
Ok we currently have a 4ft hutch for our two house bunnies, they have the run of our second bedroom so have loads of room.

The only thing is if they have access to their hutch they wee all over it, :shock: when the hutch is shut and their trays are in the room they are as good as gold and we have no accidents. :)

this makes their hutch very hard to keep clean and dry and so we are leaving it locked at the moment.

My question is do we do away with the hutch and just get a dog crate for when we have visitors and have to move into the living room for a night or two?

Are bunnies just as happy if they have no hutch, ours seem to be at the moment?
But they would be fine in their room without a hutch or crate? I just don't want them getting into bad habits and piddling everywhere :lol:
As long as the room is 100% bunny proofed (cables,power-points etc) and they have a place to hide, an up-turned cardboard box with a sort of 'door' cut in one side, will be fine. They wont need a hutch/crate as long as any room they have unsupervised access to is bunny-proofed. :D :D Jane and Buns xx
cool thanks Jane! The room is completely bunny proof, although Fern did start to attack the old sofa that is in their room last week :lol:
A big dog basket full of hay is what my house rabbits used to have before I got dog crates. They were perfectly happy with that as a base. But they did use it as a litter tray as much as as a bed :roll: Now the ones who live in the shed have it, as well as a big warm box that they hardly ever use :?
A crate would be useful if you ever need them confined, but otherwise is not necessary.