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Blankets as bedding


Mama Doe
For those that use blankets and similar things as bedding, how do you wash them without getting hair all in the washing machine? I'm actually asking for my neighbour who has cats but I thought it would be pretty much the same.
I only use blankets in winter so I probably don't have the best method, but I hang mine on the washing line and hit them with a brush to get the majority of the hair and hay off
Then I put them in a bucket of hot water and this soap stuff in and clean them by hand!

I'd use the washing machine but my parents don't want hair in their machine, still beating them on the washing line gets a fair bit off!

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I use blankets all year round and put them in a Horse rug wash bag that I got of Ebay on a normal wash cycle when they need cleaning.
Yeah, I have similar to a horse rug bag (pretty much the same thing) I got mine from zooplus and it zips closed. You can just bung blankets in a pillowcase but obviously a bag designed for the job with a zip close will keep more of the fluff in than a pillowcase with an open end!
The rug normally falls apart before it needs washing with all the digging she does to it....
I mainly use towels as they're easier to wash
The girls only have one blanket, brush it off with a duspan brush before putting it into the machine. (then run the machine on an empty cycle before putting human clothes in)
I first brush them off with a slicker brush to get most of the fur, then after washing and the inside of the washer has dried out, I just gather up any loose fur, which isn't usually very much because the brush gets most of it off the blankets.