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Best base for an outdoor run?


Mama Doe
I'm converting my shed for my foster rabbits & attaching the run to the side - shed is already on slabs but the area around it is play bark so I need a new base for under the run. I was just going to lay some slabs but they are actually quite expensive! Are there any alternative bases I could lay that would cheaper but still suitable? I've been looking for free slabs on gumtree but I'm a bit wary of trying to carry them home in my car, don't want to wreck my suspension and end it ends up costing me a lot of money in the long run. I also don't have anyone to help me, don't think I could lift 3x2's on my own (even 2x2's might be a struggle) but I can't think of a suitable alternative solution.
Hi, your right to be wary. I bought some bargain slabs and then had to spend extra money fixing our cars suspension, as a result! Luckily my husband could do the job, but not such a bargain after all. To be fair, they were very heavy slabs, not your usual garden ones!

Not sure about a base for your run. Currently I have my run on plywood. Basically, I have three treated bearers to raise it off the ground, then the ply on top and vinyl on top of that, then the whole run sits on top. It's worked really well for a few months now, but long term it might need replacing.

Ultimately, you probably can't get a better base than slabs, but hopefully someone will be along with some ideas.

Good luck x
Don't think I'll transport slabs in my car then! My brother does have a van but he's not the easiest to pin down when you ask him for help so I'm not sure about asking. I think I may just get someone in to lay the slabs for me, once that's done the shed is nearly ready to go so I may just have to spend the money rather than take weeks to do it myself.
Slabs would be the best surface, but I did have a run that I put weldmesh underneath, and then used playbark on top in a thick layer. I replaced the bark periodically but I was lucky they didn't use it as a litter tray! It has to be playbark, not ornamental bark as the ornamental stuff is treated with chemicals.
My suggestion would be to lay weld mesh across the middle and then slab around the edge. The slabs will hold the mesh down. Then backfill over the mesh with some top soil. That way you've got a secure run, with the wood sitting on slabs so less likely to rot, slabs to walk on for when it's wet and 2" of soil for digging at and you can try for some grass growing in it too :)
My suggestion would be to lay weld mesh across the middle and then slab around the edge. The slabs will hold the mesh down. Then backfill over the mesh with some top soil. That way you've got a secure run, with the wood sitting on slabs so less likely to rot, slabs to walk on for when it's wet and 2" of soil for digging at and you can try for some grass growing in it too :)

your ideas are always so good!!