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pictures: where would you place the hutch and run


I am trying to work out the best place to put my hutch and run and I hope that I've successfully attached a picture so that what I say makes sense.

I was going to place the hutch under the pergola where it would be protected from the weather and get no direct sun apart from the end of the day in the summer. The run would attach.
I was going to loosely place slabs over the area of the run.

However, given that my garden is a bog and becoming more of a swamp each time it rains, placing slabs loosely would be a waste of time.
So, I think I need to have a proper patio built.

I am going to replace the decking with patio. I need to decide whether to have the 8x6 area by the pergola patioed, in which case would it jut out too much and make the garden look ugly? I'd also need to have a path put in so that I can walk across the lawn in wet weather. My current steping stones sit under nearly 2 inches of water!

Or I could get the plants between the shed (when my guineas live) dug up and that area patioed to join what will be the patioed area. In which case, it would be sad to lose the plants, potentially could it be even boggier with them not there to drink the water? It would cost more but have less of an impact on the lawn. It would make the hutch more exposed to the elements.

What do you think??

Can anyone see any other pros/cons? I am driving myself to sleepless nights!

Have you thought about using a tunnel to attach the hutch and run, that might give you more option for positioning them as you could then have the hutch under the pergola and the run/paving to one side. Or you could have the hutch on the existing patio - close to the house for easy access and the run further out.

With how boggy your garden sounds I think you are right to go for paving.

It's a bit hard to tell from the photo where everything is - is there space for the run on the left of the pergola? Which side is the house?
I was going to get a tunnel but RSPCA don't think they'd use it based on how they're behaving. I am also a bit nervous about security. My house in the picture is behind me. There is space for the hutch between the pergola and shed with about 1.5 feet to spare.
It would be good if the hutch was near the house but it gets sun for most of the day (when it's sunny) so not suitable. Plus the hutch is a double level 7x3 so could only go against the conservatory which would block out a considerable amount of light, and it's too deep to place near the shed without blocking entrance to that. I'm really stumped!
Wow, sounds giant!

Maybe breakout some sticks and string and try 'putting' it and the patio in different positions. Sometimes it's easier to imagine what it will look like that way.

You could probably put the hutch under the pergola and the run to one side instead of in front - so they come out through the side of the hutch without a tunnel just a hole between. That way it won't stick out so much if you don't have the extra 3' depth of the hutch to add. Plus then you can stand in front of the hutch without being in the run which makes things easier.