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I'm a little concerned about my new baby bunny!

Hi, I only got my 8 week old rabbit probably about 2/3 hours ago and while he/she is eating his pellets, eating hay, drinking and hopping around plus taking a quick power nap.

He hasn't pooped yet and I'm just wondering if it is something I should be concerned about. I haven't owned a rabbit for some years but have done plenty of research.
Some with more knowledge then me will be along soon but my bun Smokie sometimes holds hers (God knows why) and your bun may be wondering where the toilet corner is or a little stressed from new home (bunnies and stress is common!) If bun is eating that is a good sign, what goes in must come out!
Hi, I only got my 8 week old rabbit probably about 2/3 hours ago and while he/she is eating his pellets, eating hay, drinking and hopping around plus taking a quick power nap.

He hasn't pooped yet and I'm just wondering if it is something I should be concerned about. I haven't owned a rabbit for some years but have done plenty of research.

Can you pop him into his litter tray, which of course would be filled with hay :D
I personally wouldn't be worrying at this point if he is eating and is bright and active. I would be worrying if he was lethargic or uninterested in any way.

(PS- I think we need photos).
Thank you all for the wonderful replies! but the crisis is no more, i'm just a very cautious new mum I think, after his sleep, he's proved that nothing is wrong. I think as someone mentioned above that he was just waiting to pick a toilet corner and since the journey could have been a little stressful for him
he's now been out for some cuddles and binkied about a fair bit, getting into mischief:)

I have one photo on my profile picture but will be getting some more for sure:)
He's so fluffy! Only thing i'd recommend is start brushing him daily as soon as you can to get him used to it as he'll need regularly grooming with that coat!
Awww he's beautiful ! Glad he's pooped now. By the way, we love poop on this forum :lol: has he got a name yet ?
I know, he is so chilled out. (I'm calling him a he but we aren't sure until my friend who has big experience with rabbits comes to take a look).
We've had him for like 6 hours now and he's been out for cuddles, loves being stroked, doesn't jump at any sound, is perfectly comfortable around people.

And I'm going to be getting him a brush soon since I had originally thought he was a cross bred lionhead but turns out he is pedigree and I know how crazy there coat can get:)
He hasn't currently got a name but we have some in the running, I've got an introduction to him on my profile which I've posted with some names I have in the running if you'd like to check that out:)
Some with more knowledge then me will be along soon but my bun Smokie sometimes holds hers (God knows why) and your bun may be wondering where the toilet corner is or a little stressed from new home (bunnies and stress is common!) If bun is eating that is a good sign, what goes in must come out!

I agree with this posting.
When I adopted a new bunny who was 8 months old she did not poop for most of the first day. About fifteen minutes after I called the rescue in panic and left them a message (to see if she had any issues prior to my adoption) she dropped a large quanitity of beautiful poop. I then called the rescue back and left them a message that she was fine. It must have been the new surroundings and new faces. When I adopted her I even made a donation to keep her used liter pan as she was mostly litter trained and I did not want to disrupt her good progress.

My newest addition is also a lionhead. I dampen my hands slightly and any lose fur comes right off when I pet her. She enjoys it when I groom her even though she does a great job of grooming herself.
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He sounds like a lovely bunny. I hope your friend is better at telling boys from girls than the people from whom I got a couple of rabbits. I had a boy named Bonita and another named Fancy. Fancy got a nickname, but Bonita kept his name and had to act tough like 'the boy named Sue' in the old Johnny Cash song.
Hi, yeah she's great at it. She's had so many rabbits in her life but I'm almost quite sure we have a boy which is good because he's currently enjoying being called Storm and actually responds too me calling him which is great for him being so young.
Hi, yeah she's great at it. She's had so many rabbits in her life but I'm almost quite sure we have a boy which is good because he's currently enjoying being called Storm and actually responds too me calling him which is great for him being so young.

The name suits him and I am impressed he is already responding. Sometimes one of my girls like to pretend she does not hear me calling her name and I think it is when she does not want me to pick her up. Once I have her in my lap she loves the pets and makes chatter sounds.
He finds it great when he hears his name, he runs around my room in a blur all the time. I'll call him and he runs over to me, nudges my leg and it's usually for me to stroke him or to play chase, I tickle his back and tell him to run and he goes zooming off. But he's much more tame now and causing so much trouble, thankfully with him responding to his name, it's easy to get him to get out from the restricted area which is under my bed and he also knows what 'time for bed' means and lets me pick him up and put him to bed which is super good for a bun so young.