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escape artists


New Kit
I own three Flemish Giant rabbits one mature and two youths. The older one has never jumped out of her large open topped run. But her children both four months now have made it their mission to escape every run I have made then, BUT not this time. I have spent all day building this new supper run so how long until they escape.


To be honest I think my outdoor pair would find their way out of there in no time! Mine climb mesh so could get past any gaps where the roof mesh meets the side, and dig out too!
To be honest I think my outdoor pair would find their way out of there in no time! Mine climb mesh so could get past any gaps where the roof mesh meets the side, and dig out too!
Mine climb too. All the joins are wired but they have got out of other runs so time will tell. They also only have day time in there so hopefully any hole digging will be noticed and filled. Netting the floor if I have too.

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Our Nethie got through a 2" gap once even though he looked 3" wide :) They're good at squeezing too!
Our Nethie got through a 2" gap once even though he looked 3" wide :) They're good at squeezing too!
As they are both flemis giants they will be too big and lazy soon but they are enjoying escaping at the moment.

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My girl would be out of there as soon as my back was turned- up and and out ! Only weld mesh is safe for her, with an anti-dig skirt around it.
By the way, I love NZ, spent a very happy month there about 8 years ago :wave:
In the North Island. It is lovely here but summer heat is an issue for me and the rabbits.

:D i have added extra small mesh around the larger grids on the new run. so far so good. :D