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Ec hutch bleaching question


Mama Doe
I needed to bleach the rabbit hutch on day 21, which was yesterday ( although I did miss a lapizole Dose earlier in the week and also a few weeks ago so I was going to lengthen the course slightly anyway) I was meant to do the first hutch bleach yesterday, but I had a stupidly long pregnancy related hospital appointment yesterday which meant my mum and toddler were home by the time I got back. Toddler and bleach are not a good combination and he likes to "help" with the bunnies. Is it ok if I bleach today (or tomorrow as its pouring with rain at the moment! And not being able to bend due to a large baby under my ribs I've got to sit on the patio). Will this make any difference if I were to continue to lapizole course for a further 7 days and bleach again next weekend? Thanks

Do I bleach the whole hutch or just where they wee? They don't wee upstairs and downstairs it's just the two trays and overspill from the trays, so I would probably just bleach the bottom if I don't really need to do the top.
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Personally I would do it today and not lengthen the course. Weather forecast is for sunshine later :thumb:
Yes it's stopped raining now :) I'll give it a couple of hours for the patio to dry off then I'll do it. I will get the husband to entertain the toddler!