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poop all over the place


So I have a beautiful 1 year old black mini rex named Pickles. She lives indoors and is a very territorial wee lady. We've narrowed down what usually upsets her, i.e. leave more than one thing on the floor that shouldn't be there, like clothes, shoes, bags and she will poop. Too many people in the house, she will poop. Otherwise she is rather well toilet trained and will only drop a nugget once in a while.
About 2 months ago we moved a bookshelf from one side of the house to the other(next to her litter tray) and since then she has been pooping all over our house and weeing in front of the book shelf and where the book shelf used to be. over time the weeing has reduced to nearly not at all but the pooping is still the same. I have been picking it up after her because that's what we did when she was a baby and it worked quite well, but this time it doesn't seem to make a difference. I'm afraid it might become or already be habbit.
Please help!
Spaying is likely to help with territorial marking (scattering poop). She's basically leaving her scent around to mark it as her home. Do you use strong scents like air fresheners or floor cleaning products? That may increase marking. Things like shoes, clothes etc. carry a lot of strangers scents so the desire to replace those with her smell could definitely be a trigger too. Rabbit's don't have a concept of possessions you carry around so to her it would be more like someone had been there and left their scent.

You might find you can improve things somewhat by increasing the number of litter trays, particularly adding ones in areas she poops a lot - even if it's a bit of an odd place for a tray. That way she can add her scent to that room/area without spreading it quite so messily :) It sounds like she might have access to quite a big area (which is great!) but it might be away from her tray she's having trouble keeping the place smelling like her and she doesn't want anyone to come and invade your territory (home).
Thanks for the excellent advise.
That definitely sounds like her, she has nearly no hair under her chin from rubbing.
One of her favourite spots to soil is right next to her litter tray where she stretches out. Would you suggest another next to it or do you think that others around the house will add enough of her scent to make her happy?
Also, she loves to flop when snoozing on my tummy but has recently taken to peeing on me just before she leaves after spending a good 15 minutes snoozing on me.
I usually take it as a disgusting compliment and change my top, but is this something I should be concerned about?
How big is her tray? If it's small/standard size you could try upgrading to an underbed storage box, that way she's got room to use one end for popping and the other end for napping without weeing on the floor. Otherwise, yes, try a tray next to it. I'd go crazy with the trays and once you've, hopefully, got her using a tray all the time you can work on cutting down again.

You are probably right - she' marking you are her. You could try catching her when she starts to get up and popping her into a tray quick. Or you can get plastic backed blankets that offer good protection :)