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My bunny sitter


Mama Doe

The shed felt really stuffy so I left the door open to let some fresh air in, good job I've got my reliable bunny sitter, Riley, making sure the bunnies stay safely inside :D
What a good boy :thumb:

You have an ip camera set up I think can you log into it when you are out on your phone and see what's going on ?
What a good boy :thumb:

You have an ip camera set up I think can you log into it when you are out on your phone and see what's going on ?

Not an ip camera, just a video baby monitor, not set up now, had it for bonding period, unfortunately it needs constant battery changes as no electricity in shed so couldn't keep it set up :(
I have power in the summer house :lol: rabbit hutch deluxe more like and hAve a mini bird box camera with mains supply so night vision and colour but can on,y watch on a TV which is a pain as I can't find the mini portable anywhere :evil: will have to make do with that until I find out how ip cameras work properly :roll: