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Rough ears?


Alpha Buck
So Neo has a little scratch in his ears a few times a day that I noticed that he does with his back leg.

Just now I've felt the inside of his ears and they feel a bit bumpy/scabby/rough?

Doesn't look red or sore, he let me touch it fine and I can't see any black dots on or in his ears so I don't think it's mites.

Do we think he maybe cut himself a little bit when scratching previous to his nails being trimmed?

Or coukd it be something else? He's due a second check up for his pre operative lump on Sunday so I might ask them but I don't want to be charged meaninglessly. There are no visible signs that I can see to point towards a problem it's just how his ears feel.

Any opinions guys?
It could be from some over vigorous ear scratching, but it wouldn't hurt to have the vet check the ears at your Sunday appt.
It could be mites, they tend to start deep in the ear where you can't see them. I'd definitely get them checked at the vet because by the time you can see then they are extremely painful.:wave:
This is how Xena's ear was. It started with the rough-feeling ear, then actual scratches in her ear, then the ear started to droop. She has helicopter ears, and her uppy one was lopped constantly. I also noticed lots more scratching and head shaking. This happened all within a few days, so I'd deffo get your bun to the vets asap just to make sure. :)
The vet couldn't see any mites at first, but they were very deep in her ear, and with a little scope, she managed to scrape a little debris out and look under a microscope.

I think they usually get 3 injections of ivermec. :)
Thanks for the opinions guys.
I've had operations on both of my feet today and can't get him to the vets for the next few days. The other half has no holiday to use and works an hour away so couldn't do it during lunch or take some time off.

It doesn't seem to bother him too much at all, but he does seem to scratch at his ears a little too often, at least enough for me to notice.

On Sunday I will ask them to have a look. They seem pretty good, they're Companion Care Vets but they've been patient with my questions and seem knowledgeable. They also cut his nails for free when he had his neutering. So I don't see them charging for an extra check over :)

Thanks for the inputs, I will push for them to have a look down the ear with someone better than just their eyes!