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storm... should I shut the buns in the shed??


Mama Doe
My run is not attached to my shed with anything, its just against it, and the buns go in and out the cat flap into the run. I have no worries about the shed but should I shut the buns in just incase?? The run is against a wall and the shed x
Yes, I would shut them in. Mine will stay in their shed AND have access to the run but their run is not only securely fastened to the shed, it's also underwired and held in place by about a foot of turf :lol:.

I've checked the direction of the wind and if any branches or trees come down, it will all fall away from the shed. If it gets too bad in the middle of the night, they'll come into the garage/utility room.

:wave:Hi Worried about the storm tonight - would it be ok to bring
the bunnies indoors in a hutch for the night?
If you can, bring them in and if you don't have much space put them in the bathroom. As an emergency you can put down a blanket or large towel in the bath. They won't be able to move much but better than risking something happening over night.

We went out and bought an indoor hutch, its not ideal space wise but I don't have to worry the roof will fly off their summerhouse outside. Its not as secure as a shed.
Thanks for that! My buns have an attatched run/hutch outside but even tho we ve secured
as much as poss - still worried! We have a spare hutch so we ll bring them indoors in that!
They won t like it much tho'! :lol: