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Any idea's for Skye's den? (Converted attic!)

Hello there! :wave:
My rabbit Skye has the full use of our converted attic. My boyfriend uses it on the odd occasion as an "office" :lol:
Anyway I am looking for any new idea's to make the attic more bunny friendly/fun?

What could I put in the space?

I am planning on moving our large Union Jack beanie bag and the single bed so he has more room
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How much money do you have to play with?

https://www.facebook.com/Manorpethousing/photos_albums do some lovely stuff

Some of these wooden ones are great:


Tunnels and hidey boxes are always appreciated. You can build or buy wooden square tunnels so they're a more attractive feature. Long shelves on the floor would be fun to sit on or run on. Low tables are nice too.

It'd be pretty easy to make some activity centres like on the manor housing website with some plywood and some batons. You'd get much more for your money too!

EDIT: Here too https://www.facebook.com/GarysHandcraftedAnimalHousingAndAccessories/photos_stream
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How much money do you have to play with?

https://www.facebook.com/Manorpethousing/photos_albums do some lovely stuff

Some of these wooden ones are great:


Tunnels and hidey boxes are always appreciated. You can build or buy wooden square tunnels so they're a more attractive feature. Long shelves on the floor would be fun to sit on or run on. Low tables are nice too.

It'd be pretty easy to make some activity centres like on the manor housing website with some plywood and some batons. You'd get much more for your money too!

Hello and thanks for your reply! :)
The tunnel and boxes to hide in are good! I have always been quite creative so I'd probably build some wooden hides! I'd rather build things for him because as you said you get more for your money really, plus the satisfaction that you built it yourself :D
Now, I better start being helpful :oops:, what about converting furniture? Wide bookcases are very similar to 2 story hutches...