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Male rabbit has been neutered.


Young Bun

I'm looking for some advice about my little boy Oscar. He was neutered on Tuesday morning and that day he licked his wound and it bled so he had to get a collar, now he won't eat or drink with it on so I've had to take it off but he's licking again and I'm worried he's going to do some damage. Should I put it on or leave it off?

Thanks, Katrina and Oscar x
Yeah he is and a recovery food thing cause he wasn't eating, I hate seeing him so distressed with this collar thing :-(
Rabbits really shouldn't have collars on unless you feed them their caecotrophs. They need them to survive, so you'll have to hand-feed them.

Is it a cone collar? Many animals much prefer the inflatable type such as this http://www.amazon.co.uk/Kong-EL3-Cl...=1367523327&sr=8-4&keywords=inflatable+collar or the softer type such as this http://www.amazon.co.uk/Company-Ani...=1367523356&sr=8-9&keywords=inflatable+collar.

Have you been back to the vet? Can you ring your vet (or visit) and ask if they can up the pain relief as it doesn't appear to be very effective?

You could get a babygro or similar and put this on your bun around his stomach . Leave room for his genitals/bum obviously, and ensure it isn't too tight, but that might discourage him from biting. This might just annoy him more, however.
I spoke to the vet yesterday and that's when she gave me the feed stuff because he wasn't eating the caecotrophs, she said the feed stuff I got should do what that does apparently. I tried hand feeding him them yesterday and he wasn't for it, but today I didn't notice them so I think he may have ate them (fingers crossed) he has ate some apple just now and some pellets, I left the room and when I came back in he was eating and still is :)

Yes it's a cone collar, it's such a pain in the bum!

I called the vets but they are closed, I took note of the emergency number but I wasn't sure if I should call them or not. I can call in the morning. He has an appointment on Saturday morning for the post op check but it seems far away with this cone problem. Is licking the wound really bad?

I don't have anything like a baby grow :-( I can't wait for him to be back to normal and healthy!
In the early hours of this morning I woke up to Oscar eating the litter from his litter tray, over the last few days since his op I was putting carefresh in his litter tray because I thought it would be better for his wounds, but he wasn't doing the toilet in there so last night I changed it back to his normal stuff a wood based litter. So I changed it back to the carefresh and he started to eat that too

Will this do him any damage? I've took the litter tray away completely because I don't want him to eat it.
I haven't really got anything of much use to say because all my male buns when neutered were absolutely fine, running about, eating etc. the same night. Pippa my tiny dutchie had a new-born t-shirt to wear afterwards because my vet said the does seem to fuss more with the sutures, and it was only a couple of pounds in Sainsbury's but it certainly did the trick. I definitely don't think it is good to let them lick the wound because I don't think it stops there and the more they lick it and worry at it, I guess the more chance of opening it up and causing infection. My last bun who was neutered in January had a long acting pain relief and antibiotic, and that was it. Tried checking the wound but my vet is such an expert and incision was so small, couldn't even actually see it, could just feel a little bump of like scar tissue. My vet doesn't shave op site, because that in itself can cause irritation, and if skin was nicked could be possible infection area, and I am in total agreement, that shaving can potentially do more harm than good. That's why I couldn't see where Dipsy's wound was.
When my boy was done I was told just to used newspaper as bedding and litter, as sawdust or wood asked litter, which turns into powder when used, can stick to the wound and infect it.
Mine didn't need a collar as they don't recommend them for rabbits, he did bite out his stitches while waiting for me to collect him so they glued the wound and after that it was fine.