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What do your outdoor bunnies do all day?!


Mama Doe
Just wondering :lol: Summer and Skye have a spacious 6x3ft hutch with permanent access to a 6x8ft run. They r usually sat in the run waiting for breakfast in the morning, Skye may chase Summer for a lap round the run when I go out with breakfast, then they Hoover up their breakfast, then every time I look out after that they'll just be sat about 6" apart in the middle of the run then after a while they've usually gone back to the hutch! I may c them in the run at odd times during the day and early evening but I never really c them running around or anything!
So just wondered if this sounds familiar or if I have lazy buns :lol:
Since rabbits are most active at dawn and dusk I imagine they're acting pretty normal! :D Mine have random energy spurts in the day but if they're not eating hay, then they're relaxing somewhere :lol:
Willow just seems to eat and groom all day, looking disinterested... she is an an active bun at times and loves digging.... fleece blankets are her speciality.

Smudge loves chilling and demanding grooms from Willow... He eats loads but doesn't seem to Nom as much as Willow. He loves to sit on his box watching the world.....

Yep, I too must have lazy bunnies, except when it breakfast or tea time, then it's binkies and general chaos,,,
This is what I can c from the back door...



Skye seems to have retired to the hutch and Summer is just sat in the run by herself!
In winter I never see them doing anything, they huddle in their hutch to keep warm, and I can't see the hutch from the window so I never see them! Now it's spring I see them running around, munching hay and just generally pottering about :D they also are now sleeping in their dig box, on the roof of their hutch and sprawled on their aviary floor so I get to spy on them :D I regularly stand at the window bunny watching :oops: I seriously waste hours! :lol:

ETA most of the time they just snooze with each other in their dig box or are eating hay though!
It seems the more u provide them with the lazier they r :lol: I too spend ages watching them even when they're not doing anything! I just stand there with my heart ready to burst cos they're so cute! I'm constantly up and down to go and look out of the window to c what they're doing even tho it's usually not much :lol:
Peter can usually be found, eating, lying on his fave blanket or binkying around in a frenzy! I'm sure he's got a bonkers streak in him!!!
An unneutered boy can be on the go all day long, but once neutered they calm down a lot and their fav pastime is grazing.
It seems the more u provide them with the lazier they r :lol: I too spend ages watching them even when they're not doing anything! I just stand there with my heart ready to burst cos they're so cute! I'm constantly up and down to go and look out of the window to c what they're doing even tho it's usually not much :lol:

Haha this is exactly how I spend my time :lol: stood at the window watching then sleep thinking "they're so so cute!" but thinking I hope they wake up and play and do something funny, I'd better not move because if I do I'll miss something! :lol: this is how I spend most of my time when I have really important things to do :p

I was watching Lilly potter about the other day and turned around to say something for literally a second, turned back and she'd done a massive flop and was laying almost on her back, I was gutted I missed her flopping!!!!
mine are just in the shed so I can't see them - they'll be laying on their vetbed.
Indoor buns snooze all day long too though.
Brownie can be found asleep somewhere normally his litter tray. Buster sleeps in the hutch all day. They seem to wake up about 3pm. Even then they don't really do alot until i let them out for free range time. Mainly eat and sit/lay around.

Belle and Bramble i see all the time. Their not so sleepy as the other two and normally just have a two hour full on snooze in the afternoon. The rest of the time their either munching on hay or grooming each other.
I have house buns, when we are home we leave the door to there room open (its an outhouse attached to my living room. More often than not they are just sitting there, or lying there dosing on and off. I miss there active mornings (too early for me) but they do have a crazy half hour in the evening x
Just wondering :lol: Summer and Skye have a spacious 6x3ft hutch with permanent access to a 6x8ft run. They r usually sat in the run waiting for breakfast in the morning, Skye may chase Summer for a lap round the run when I go out with breakfast, then they Hoover up their breakfast, then every time I look out after that they'll just be sat about 6" apart in the middle of the run then after a while they've usually gone back to the hutch! I may c them in the run at odd times during the day and early evening but I never really c them running around or anything!
So just wondered if this sounds familiar or if I have lazy buns :lol:

yes my two have exactly the same routine as yours ....in general i think rabbits are quite lazy but when they do have their 5 minutes of running around they appreciate the space to bink and reallly go for it .....
Well I only really see them eat, sleep/lay around and wash :lol: They are right below my bedroom window so at night when I am going to sleep I can hear them chewing on their toys and throwing things around though