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  • Please Note - Medical Advice

    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

    We are very grateful to members who take time to answer other members questions, but please do be clear in your replies that you are sharing personal experience and not giving instructions on what must be done.

    Urgent Medical Advice: If you need, or think you might need, urgent medical advice you should contact a vet. If it is out of working hours phone your vet's normal number and there should be an answer phone message with instructions on what to do.

from paralysis - walking (A bun recovery from EC)


Alpha Buck
This has been sparked off by another thread but I don't want to detract from their needs with this info.

So your bunny cant move... Pop them into a carrier/box/old fish tank!

They need support from all sides and protection from harm should they attempt to move.
At the edges are rolled up newspapers covered in any old towel, t-shirt anything soft I could find!
Underneath I put a deep layer of carefresh. Whatever you use make sure it is super absorbent to avoid urine burns
Remove bunny for cuddles and meds
Also check for Cecotropes, the dark soft poops, your bunny needs to eat them to keep their gut moving well! It is a smelly job but an important one!

When in the tank I found putting Malteser into a "loaf" position worked well and eventually he could hold this position on his own in his safety zone run

I can stand up... just about and very wonky!

Hopefully they will want to walk again before long. Try enticing them with food - a bunny runway!

first steps!
getting better

After some time and a little acupuncture to help regain balance, you will hopefully find you have your little monkey back
What, me, on the stairs??? Erm I don't think so mummy!!
Please, if you have a similar story to help others see hope with their poorly bunnies, feel free to add it!
It is with thanks to lovely people here! God knows what would have happened if I hadn't come across this website! :D
Great thread and photos and I 'm really pleased to see Malteser making such a good recovery.


In the past I've also helped bunnies recover from EC. It's a long hard slog, but well worth it.:love::love::thumb:
Yes! He hasn't needed any vet care since the summer!
Vet is happy he will tolerate his vaccines and he is about to get a wifey bun!
well worth feeding him every 2 hours, day and night and worth every penny we had to spend to get him fit!

:oops:I still feel guilty that I had decided the best thing was PTS, thankfully hubby requested we gave Malteser an extra 24 hours to show some signs of fight and thankfully Malteser took soggy pellets via hand feeding rather than via syringe! :love:
Neleh, I'm sure most of us at one time or another have considered the best option can be being pts, but usually and fortunately we are proved wrong.

Bunnies can be incredibly resilient, determined and strong. Never underestimate their powers of recovery.

That's one of the reasons why I love and admire them so much.:thumb:
This has been sparked off by another thread but I don't want to detract from their needs with this info.

So your bunny cant move... Pop them into a carrier/box/old fish tank!

They need support from all sides and protection from harm should they attempt to move.
At the edges are rolled up newspapers covered in any old towel, t-shirt anything soft I could find!
Underneath I put a deep layer of carefresh. Whatever you use make sure it is super absorbent to avoid urine burns
Remove bunny for cuddles and meds
Also check for Cecotropes, the dark soft poops, your bunny needs to eat them to keep their gut moving well! It is a smelly job but an important one!

When in the tank I found putting Malteser into a "loaf" position worked well and eventually he could hold this position on his own in his safety zone run

I can stand up... just about and very wonky!

Hopefully they will want to walk again before long. Try enticing them with food - a bunny runway!

first steps!
getting better

After some time and a little acupuncture to help regain balance, you will hopefully find you have your little monkey back
What, me, on the stairs??? Erm I don't think so mummy!!
oh thank you so so much its so nice having another person to share all this with. daisy can move she swings herself around with the use of her front paws. she drags her legs with her i take her out on a morning afternoon and night to do bunny exercises with her. im thinking of taking your advice and buying nappies if its only to help me get the soft poo so i can feed it back to her. she is in good spirits and still responding to me so fingers crossed . ive been checking her for sores and up to now she dosent have them but i have metanium which i use to use on my little girl when she was a baby for sores and its good stuff. im keeping a watchfull eye on her to notice if she does anything different in the way she sits or moves i know she has been laying on her side alot with her backs legs in the air sleeping she can manage to get back up but it takes a while. thank you for your support love to bunnie:love: