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Hay going every where


Warren Scout
Me and my other half have spent two weeks redoing the patio, very har work did not think a bit of power washing would lead to such a huge job!

I currently have a hay rack which my two use with no problems, but the problem is it gets pulled out ends up on the ground. Then the hay works it's way under the run and goes all over the patio, this will become messy as we have put gravel between the paving slabs.

Does any one have any hay racks with a lid so it's not easy for them to pull all the hay out in one go.

I have seen a sodden trixi one with a lid but, Leo would eat it in the space of a week.
Hay is just like sand, it gets everywhere. I get a lot of grief from mum because it gets inbetween our cobbles. All I can do is once a week after cleaning them out I give the patio a good sweep and try to pick up as much as I can

What you could try is a piece of plastic or wood and make a lid yourself with some cable ties