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Sometimes the unplanned photos can be the best...


Wise Old Thumper
(I've done no editing to these)




Got these while taking some pics of my room for Elena.
Biscuit looks innocent.
But I can imagine a caption to along with it.
Something like 'thousands of rabbits are kept in small cages for the whole of their lives'
:lol: rubbish caption!
Gorgeous :love: but Biccy looks sad, like you've locked him in!

Biscuit looks innocent.
But I can imagine a caption to along with it.
Something like 'thousands of rabbits are kept in small cages for the whole of their lives'
:lol: rubbish caption!

I know, cheeky little fluffster. It's only cos he can see the rest of the house on the other side of the gate...!

He actually has all of this...


Yet, typical bunny, wants more of what he's not meant to have :)
Yuri is like this!

I set a huge area for the buns in the garden, proofing the no go areas and she battles to try and get in them even though the area they have is HUGE