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What am I doing wrong?


Mama Doe
Just a general question really. I have 4 buns living in two pairs outside. One pair I have had for 5 years, the other just over 12 months. In the last few months I seem to have had sooo many occurances of early Stasis, with no apparent cause (spread across three of the 4 bunnies in almost equal number). The first thing I do these days is give Metacam and Zantac and monitor for a couple of hours to see if it makes a difference. Eight times out of ten it helps and bunny is soon eating again. When it doesnt seem to help they get immediate vet attention of course. The trouble is this is happening pretty often now and so I am now wondering if I am doing something wrong.

They all have endless amounts of hay to eat, they get at least 4-5 hours free ranging most days (apart from days when it is chucking it down with rain). They have a handful of SS Pellets per pair in the morning, and a mixture of herbs for their tea (usually Coriander, Mint, Sage, Basil and a bit of Kale) and an occasional bit of dried clover and plantain. They obviously have free access to the grass when they free range all year round.

I use non clumping wood pellets in the litter tray topped with Hay which is changed every day.

All three of the buns that have Stasis on and off grow small burrs on their teeth from time to time, but they have all been checked in the last two weeks and I have had three bouts of Stasis from my two female buns (one of them has had it twice!) in the last 7 days.

Is there anything there that could explain bouts of Stasis? Really don't know why this would suddenly start happening, unless they have all become drug addicts and need their fix!! :shock::roll:

If anyone can spot anything I would be really grateful.
Do you buy your veg from the same place all the time? A couple of years ago there was a spate of stasis episodes on here and some clever bods came up with the thought that it may be what the veg is washed in.
Yes I do get my veg all from the same place (Tesco's). Do you know if anyone changed their habits about where they bought stuff from and whether it made any difference?
Yes I do get my veg all from the same place (Tesco's). Do you know if anyone changed their habits about where they bought stuff from and whether it made any difference?

I stopped feeding supermarket veg and only fed stuff foraged and grown for just over a year and Smudge hasnt been into stasis since. I think Tesco's may have been the main culprit actually so I would give it a go trying elsewhere, maybe a farm shop if you know of one?

The only other thing I can think of is are you sure they aren't eating the pelleted litter?
It's definitely worth a try, it can't go on like this. I am almost 100% sure they aren't eating the pelleted litter. They have never shown the least bit of interest in it, apart from obviously that they wee on it!:)