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Claw ripped out

Lady Logamorph

Mama Doe
Hi everyone, one of my friends bunnies has ripped one of her claws out...she got it caught in something. It's not bleeding anymore and bun is fine and happy and eating. I gave her some of my hibiscrub and told her to clean it with it (diluted) then keep her somewhere clean just on newspaper for a few days so it doesnt get infected. What does everyone think...does it need the vet do you think or see if it heals on its own first and keep an eye on it?
I think just clean it, keep an eye on it and check for no infection.

I have had two bunnies claws come out in the past and that is all that I have done.

same thing happened to my bun last year - I took him to the vet because the claw was still there (but clearly bent/half ripped out...) and I didn't want to pull it out myself :shock:. He just pulled it out and gave the rabbit an injection, I think it was either antibiotics or metacam to prevent an infection. Either way, there were absolutely no problems with it. I'd keep an eye on it, but wouldn't worry about it too much.
Thanks I think it all came out it looked like the whole claw so hopefully it won't get infected. She is booking her in to get her spayed anyway in a couple of weeks so maybe they could have a good inspection why shes under GA.