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susie bun

Wise Old Thumper
... at his ablutions, never was rabbit so vain!


and fur-puddled:

Spenser, it has been far too long since your last photos. Please make your servant aware of her responsibilities!

You are looking particularly fine however!:love::love::love::love:
You're beautiful Spenser :love:

However, I've been eagerly awaiting your new signature, as I loved your last one so much. Do you think you will have finished pondering soon? ;)
Spenser, it has been far too long since your last photos. Please make your servant aware of her responsibilities!

You are looking particularly fine however!:love::love::love::love:

Spenser: Yes, I was thinking my fans might be missing me. Perhaps I should bite Mummy more often. :? Mummy has been very busy lately, but I get extra treats out of it. :lol: She also lost the lead of her camera for a few days. :roll: