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A Frustrating Day!


Warren Scout
I have been trying to give my bunnies Alice and Oliver permanent access from their large indoor enclosure inside a concrete shed to an outdoor run.
At the moment, their outdoor run is separate and Alice in particular is not too keen on it and is much happier in her indoor space.

I had bought a Runaround system to make the connection but needed a plumber to drill the hole in the concrete shed to put the burrow pipe through!
Well this is proving an impossible task - no plumber in London seems to have the large drill bit needed to do the job. I may actually have to buy the plumber the drill part to do it which is expensive and seems a bit crazy!

Any ideas? I think getting a cat flap through concrete would also be tricky

As they say though, nothing is too much for our buns!

Thanks for your reply,

Yes, they probably could but it would be much more messy and time consuming, which I was trying to avoid.
The diamond cutter makes exactly the right size hole - but a bunny pipe is not a standard size!
Thanks for your reply,

Yes, they probably could but it would be much more messy and time consuming, which I was trying to avoid.
The diamond cutter makes exactly the right size hole - but a bunny pipe is not a standard size!

Why can't they drill with a size bigger and then use either wood or something else to fill the gap in around the pipe?