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Mummeh put our tent in the yard today!

Thankyou :)
They are very good too... Good at nomming corners. Good at nomming wallpaper. Good at nomming furniture. Benjamin is especially good at stealing....

:lol: :lol: :lol: :love::love::love:

(BENJAMIN) : I does not 'nom' walls, and nether does my wifebun. We just, kind of, sort of redesign things. Thats we we duz. We is interior redesigners.
And I has NEVER stolen! I may has done a bit of 'borrowing', but thats different. And if you were late for work a few times because I borrowed your keys out of your bag, then it cant possibly be my fault if you, mummeh, were not brainy enough to check inside my box of hay! And whens I borrowed your mobile phone and hid it behind the sofa you soon found it when someone ranged you up! And the cover you had on it was awful. I dids you a great favour by nomming it off.
And that sausage dinner you treated yourself to that night you were starving... Well i was only thinking of you when i grabbed the sausage off your plate and ran up the hall with it. I didnt want you getting G.I.
I is an exceptionally thoughtful bunneh I is!
*Hops off trying to look innocent*
(BENJAMIN) : I does not 'nom' walls, and nether does my wifebun. We just, kind of, sort of redesign things. Thats we we duz. We is interior redesigners.
And I has NEVER stolen! I may has done a bit of 'borrowing', but thats different. And if you were late for work a few times because I borrowed your keys out of your bag, then it cant possibly be my fault if you, mummeh, were not brainy enough to check inside my box of hay! And whens I borrowed your mobile phone and hid it behind the sofa you soon found it when someone ranged you up! And the cover you had on it was awful. I dids you a great favour by nomming it off.
And that sausage dinner you treated yourself to that night you were starving... Well i was only thinking of you when i grabbed the sausage off your plate and ran up the hall with it. I didnt want you getting G.I.
I is an exceptionally thoughtful bunneh I is!
*Hops off trying to look innocent*

:lol::lol::lol: Sound like a pair of ratbags.;)