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Advice/opinions please!


Alpha Buck
I would welcome some opinions on a sort-of problem I have with a newly bonded pair. I have a Dutch doe, spayed, who was on her own and I felt she was lonely. I have another bonded pair in other accomodation, and she spends a lot of time sitting looking at them when they are in their run. I tried to get her paired up with them but it didn't work - my other doe is very territorial and wouldn't let the new doe settle, she chased her about and was quite aggressive, fur-pulling and growling, so I took her out and she's been on her own for a little while. I got a neutered male, he's a Netherland Dwarf cross I think, from my local Rescue. He's been in a run in the house for a couple of weeks and I have been getting the doe in to meet up with him in the garage almost every day (I work full time so opportunity is limited). When they seemed friendly to each other, grooming/eating together/comfortable together, I put him in her house/run with her. Things seemed OK at first, a bit of chasing around, etc, but they seemed to settle. This was last Saturday. They seemed OK yesterday, but this morning he's chasing her around and won't seem to let her settle anywhere. He keeps sniffing around her tail, which she doesn't like. He's very lively and races around the run, which seems to unnerve her.
What shall I do? Are they likely to pair up? I don't want to upset her, but I feel she is nervous of him. At the moment they are sitting apart, resting, but she normally sleeps in the 'bed' area, and she's just sitting in the run. Any ideas? Am I just making too much of the situation?
My girls were bonded with a Netherland boy earlier this year. At first they wouldn't leave him alone, there was quite a bit of play which unnerved him a bit, as he wans't used to company. However I just left them to it, and watched out for fighting. No fights, and they settled within a few weeks. Now they love each other!
I think maybe reading into what you have written one problem might be..

I put him in her house/run with her

If it wasnt neutral it could of caused some problems as from what im aware females are more territorial than males....perhaps try them in a neutral area to get the bond properly!
I agree with Mike, it sounds like non neutral territory? If that's the case then you're asking for problems sadly.

That said, nothing you have said particularly makes me think the bond won't work, just that they are not bonded yet and need some more work. It might help to read this link from my website. http://flashsplace.webs.com/bondingbunnies.htm It might be of some use to you.
Thanks for your help guys! Sorry I've been a long time replying, what with work, Christmas, etc. I am happy to report they are now settled, and yesterday 1st Jan I saw them snuggled up together in the run for the first time!:D I am very pleased with the present situation and feel that maybe I get worried too easily! On a sad note I lost my housebun, a lop called Buster just before Christmas. His old demon the tooth abscess had returned with a vengence and two other abscesses in tow, and his vet didn't think it fair to put him through another op. :( Poor old lad, I really miss him! Binky free my lovely boy!