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Cutest photo of everyones rabbit(s)


Wise Old Thumper
If you had to pick one picture that you would describe is the cutest of your rabbits what would it be?

I "think" mine is:


I just love how cute Mary looks, and how Zoid looks like he is the king of the castle! :lol:
The cutest one of Maisie:

And of Marvin:

I know I cheat by having 2 seperate pictures but oh well :p

Love Zoidberg and Mary though! Their names are so very different :lol:
:love: all your pics! I will upload later!

BTW, mattyp, where are maisie's ears? :oops::oops::oops: Is she a lop or a up-eared bun? She is so adorably fuzzy, I can't see her ears! :oops: Is she an angora?
:love: all your pics! I will upload later!

BTW, mattyp, where are maisie's ears? :oops::oops::oops: Is she a lop or a up-eared bun? She is so adorably fuzzy, I can't see her ears! :oops: Is she an angora?

She is a lop! She is a cross breed so some mind of Cashmere Lop. Her ears are by the side of her face, but her face fuzz gets in the way a bit!

Here is another pic: http://i1206.photobucket.com/albums/bb442/mattyhchrist/22042011028.jpg just so you can get an idea of her face!

ETA: Candiflare that picture is AMAZING! :lol:
Nawwww, this thread is gonna be awesome :love::love::love:

Mine are all seperate piccys Im afraid :oops:

Max :love:

Timmy :love:

Moomles :love:

Charlotte :love:

Argh theres too many to choose from, my head hurts!
hmm cutest one ..

I LOVE this one of Rose :lol: (shows how small she is)

baby Krystal

baby Anya (shows how small she was - next to rose)
