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New Kit
I bring my lops (2 females) in of a night and I have newspaper down which they rip up. Any idea why they might do this??
I think it's called picca. Well that's what it's called when they chew paper.

I only ever found my female did it though, never any of the males.
I have notice this in the 2 unneutered buns i have in. The other buns are neutered and don't do this. Something to do with the digging chewing instinct no doubt. This diminishes after neutering.
Rabbits love to rip up newspaper. Mine do it still, but not as bad as before.

I have notice this in the 2 unneutered buns i have in. The other buns are neutered and don't do this. Something to do with the digging chewing instinct no doubt. This diminishes after neutering.

Yeah, when Ben and Timmy were together and before they were neutered they would immediately shred the fresh newspaper I put in their cage. They don't do that anymore.
Mine love to dig at newspaper - I put a load in an old carrier as a digging box for them. I think it's just what rabbits do to be honest. It's fine for them as long as they aren't ingesting a lot of it. Maybe you need to use something other than newspaper if it's becoming not practical.