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Cylap Advice


New Kit
my 2 rabbits had the cylap injection 2 weeks ago and one of them had the reported limp, we didnt take him to the vets as each day it seemed to get better and after 2 days he was back to normal.
After playing with them both the last few days i have noticed that one has a large scab on his leg (the one he was limping on) and the other has a smaller scab under his chin.
Is this a reaction to the injection or could it be something else? there is no way that these could have been caused by anything else as they are kept separate etc...
thanks in advance for the advice and help!
Hi,,I have no idea but you might want to post this in Health, sounds like it needs some more expert advice. Cylap is the one which seems to give more buns problems but I don't have any experience.
hope they are ok