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female bunns season?


Warren Scout
Hey all,

Is it season time for female bunns or somthing?! Bailey is unspayed and almost a year old, the past week shes been really clingy jumping on my lap and runnin around me more than usuall, which is fine, but shes now wee'd on me 7 times in the past day! any ideas? x
Females don't have a 'season' in the same way that dogs and other animals do per se. However, they have the instinct that this is breeding season (end of January to August sometimes) and so act accordingly.

Within that they will have times when they are more receptive than others, but they are induced ovulators, so in that sense there is no season.

Are you intending to get her spayed?
thanks for the reply, yes i am intending to get her spayed, i know it sounds stupid but im a bit nervous about it, so seem to keep putting it off, she'll need a dental in the next few weeks though so im planning on asking about it again then... im just worried (like every bunn owner) about the complications as my vet just imrpessed on me lastime, it is major abdominal surgery :?
i know the risks of her developing uterine cancer are very high aswell though at the same time :roll: x