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Bedding suitable for an outdoor long haired bunny


New Kit
HI everyone

Could I get some advice on the best bedding to use for a long hiared bunny who lives outdoors. I rescued her from a friend last year, whos ex had bought her for her daughter without asking her if it was ok. My friend is disabled and daughter lost interest very quickly. Nala hated being picked up or groomed to this day, it is a very traumatic experience for both of us, and being extremely truthful if I could rehome her I would. But as that isn't going to happen, we struggle along as best we can.

My problem is bedding for her. Shavings and suchlike are obviously out, during the winter she had lots of straw and hay, but it sticks like glue in her fur, and I don't know what else to use that provides suitable warmth, and is okay for her to lie on etc. Any help or advice would be much appreciated :)
i have an angora crossed with a lionhead and she hates to be brushed. so what i use is vet bed which is just like a fluffy blanket and she has them floor space in the hutch and i use a blanket as bedding and i only put in hay for food. if its really cold ill give her a heatpad as extra warmth
HI, thank you for that :)

I actually have some vet bed that I use for my cats, but was worried about her trying to eat it lol. I will give it a go tomorrow when I clean her out. Thank you so much :love: