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Not in stasis but not quite right


Warren Veteran
I thought Waffle was going into stasis last night but I kept a close eye on her and she began eating at 3am. She has been eating and pooping normally since.

She was her normal nutty self this morning so I decided she didn't need to see the vet. In the past hour she seems to be a bit quieter than normal but is still eating and pooping at normal rates.

I can't tell that anything is wrong and she is still occasionally throwing her toys about but not as much as normal. Should I just keep a close eye on her tonight?

Any ideas what may be wrong?
sorry i am no help but i am going through the same thing at the mo so your not alone :? except mine took a while to eat. :?
sorry i am no help but i am going through the same thing at the mo so your not alone :? except mine took a while to eat. :?

I was worried about her last night but by 3am she was her bright normal self and eating everything I put in front of her. I assumed she might have been going into stasis brought on by stress of the failed bonding on Thursday night.

She has eaten everything in normal amounts today. It took her slightly longer than normal to eat all her dinner veggies but then she isn't a quick eater anyway. :?

I wondered if she has tummy ache but everything still seems to be moving bowel wise.
This sounds like what my bun Ebony was like the other day.
he was just a bit quieter than usuall...a bit off his food. Got better on his own but still took him to the vet, he got given some drugs and is back to normal but I cant say if that was due to the drugs or not as he was better anyway.
hope she is feeling well soon
Just gone upstairs to check on her to find she has destroyed one of her toys and was binkying :roll:

She ran up to me grunting as she normally does when she is expecting to get treats and then ran off to throw her toys around some more when she realised I had no food. :lol:

I think she may be feeling better.