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hi everyone :D


Young Bun
Hi there,
Im a new bunny mummy to little toby, love him to bits and hes really opened my eyes to owning a rabbit, he is a far cry from the scaredy little things i thought rabbits were, apologies to all rabbits!! He lives in the house with me, he has his own room though for when im out and about, with lots of little hidey holes for his shy moments. Im still learning so might ask some silly questions :oops: but im willing to learn to give the best to toby as he deserves it! Looking to find him a little wifey but sure how he would react. Hes had a very bad start to life but he is still very confident and not scared of anything, surprisingly! Although hes not too keen on children. We dont know his exact age but the vet has told me hes roughly 2 years. Anyway sorry for the super long introduction, looking forward to seeing all your bunnies :D I dont have a camera atm but as soon as i get one ill be posting lots of piccies of tobes :D
Hiya! :wave: Sounds like you're doing a great job, but feel free to ask on anything you aren't sure about.

Can't wait to see pictures...