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    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

    We are very grateful to members who take time to answer other members questions, but please do be clear in your replies that you are sharing personal experience and not giving instructions on what must be done.

    Urgent Medical Advice: If you need, or think you might need, urgent medical advice you should contact a vet. If it is out of working hours phone your vet's normal number and there should be an answer phone message with instructions on what to do.

VERY worried.Please any advise?....UD been to vets


Warren Veteran
Ok sorry to post this if its nothing but Pie has been very lethargic for a couple of hours (this is her usual play time), her ears are VERY hot, she keeps flopping but will get up and move into another position before flopping again and then moving to the other side of the room to stretch out. She is breathing fairly fast too and just looks like she cant get comfy.
She has NO interest in food, not even her hard food which she goes mad for.
She has never really had problems before but she does eat alot of cardboard. I try to stop her as much as I can but she still gets to it.
I feel sick with worry, is it a definate 'straight to the vets'? or shall I wait for abit to see if she will eat?
I have never felt her ears that hot though! :(
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Do you have your central heating up high ?

When did she last eat/poo ?

Has she had a vaccination in the last 48 hours ?
Edit: Listening to Jane is never a bad idea. ^^^ :lol:

(Advice deleted after not noticing the part about hot ears.)
Central heating is on (house mates put it on) but we have window open and ive just tried the fan on her but she just runs away.

She last ate some hay/grass a couple of hours ago maybe abit less, as for pooing I cannot say. She did afew cecals earlier on today (this is fairly normal for her) but as for hard poos I rally cant tell unfortunatly.
You could try seeing if she is too hot by putting something cold near her, I use a marble slab thats been in the freezer or a milk bottle full of frozen water.
Either that or it could be he tummy.....I'd take her to the vet...but thats just me :?
Her cheeks are now trembling. She usually loved her cheeks being stroked but I have just felt them and its like when we have a cold and shake. She's not grinding her teeth its just the muscles trembling.

OH doesnt think she is that hot, but he is always hot and im always cold so not sure about that. She is definatly warmer than usual. OH also thinks putting anything cold near her will make her get even more ill :? (if she is).
I have this horrible feeling it is her tummy because of the cardboard she chews.
if you are realy worried then at least call the vet for advice :)

if she has a temperature she could have an infection somewhere .

have you offered her water in a bowl ...will she drink?
Have re-filled her water bowl but she is not interested.
Think I will call the vets. I am lucky enough to have an emergance vet hospital 5 mins down the road.
hope the vets goes ok - i'd take her too if i were in your position. i can usually tell when eric is experiencing tummy discomfort as he craves cardboard:?
Have just spoken to the vets. Am taking her down there for 8. At £95 just for the appoinment I hope they do something to help her! (not that money is an issue)
Fingers crossed its nothing bad.
Have just come back from the vets.
She had a huge dose of anitbiotics and some other stuff. We have been sent home with some Fibreplex, Recovery, Baytril & Zantec. Will be fun trying to syringe feed her - she is not the easiest. Like a typical child that hates medicine :roll:
The vet was lovely and very knowledgable about buns. I am very impressed. She felt Pie's tummy and could feel no big blockages but it did look like the onset of gut stasis, we just caught it uber early.

The change in her is already apparent though, she is cleaning herself, has just tasted some of her grass and looks slightly more brighter. Still quite uncomfertable but better. I just hope she stays like it now and doesnt go downhill in the night.
I have never had an ill bunny, the worse mine has had in the past was mites.

Thanks for the advice and kind words everyone. Dont know what I would do without this forum or if I lost her.
Holly x
She has just taken some Recovery which went down ok-ish but trying to get her to take some of the Fibreplex was nigh on impossible, its gone all down her chin, bless her. She is now licking it off like mad!

This is Pie sulking with daddy after havig to take the medicine. :roll: She just jumped up there and wouldnt move!
Aww bless her. Hope she is ok through the night and you see a large improvement in the morning.