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To Chester

Bungle bunny

Mama Doe
Hello Chester, we are not from the Kirby place but we really want to say hello and introduce ourselves. This is our story.

We are Fudge, Herbie and Scruffti

Scruf - Right guys, im the boss so ill do the talking, ok?
Fudge - Whatever you say is fine with me (munch, crunch, chew)
Herbie - No!
S - Shurrup H, well, we have been with our Mum and Dad for about a month now, we were in the petshop with our bruva from another muvva, he got taken away from us and we were scared cos we thought that someone would come and take us one by one so that we would be all alone, weren't we H?
H - No!
F - Yeah, and then we saw our M & D looking at us so we acted all cute and cuddly so that they would bring us all home with them and they did, (munch, chew)
S - And we were really thirsty so Mummy gave us lots to drink and we felt better but H was still scared, werent you H?
H - NO!
F - Well (bite, Chomp) we were though but M & D kept giving us nice things to eat and talked to us and told us that everything would be ok now that we were home.
S- Yeah and then they made us this really nice house to live in and gave us lots of toys to play with but now they wont let us play with Fudge anymore, the Pet shop told them that we was all boys but she is not, are you Fudge?
F - No, but (lick, chew) Ive got my own room now and you two cant make it dirty and smelly anymore so I like it. And, (munch chomp) I know I am safe cos I can still see and smell you. Mummy says that it is only for a short time then we can all live together again, I cant wait.
H - Its not me who makes the mess, its Scruffti, Mummy keeps cleaning up but he just keeps running around.
S - Shurrup H, I told you, Im in charge, im bigger n you.
H - Yeah, but I can pee higher than you, So There!!
F - Can I have a bite of your shoe now Mum, Please, Can I??

Interview with Emily and Muffin, Emily's story.

I was living in a foster home until M & D found me, I was moved around quite a bit so I just thought, Oh, here we go again, another short stay, so I was a bit grumpy until I realised that this is going to be my home forever. Mum kept putting her hand to me with treats in it so I started to like her. Then, she brought Muffin here too. At first I didnt like him much cos he is so little but after a few days I started to like him cos he smells really good and kept winking and smiling at me. Mum also kept stroking my head and at first I didnt know what she was doing so I ran away. But one time, I let her do it cos she was talking really nice to me and giving me nice food and I knew she wasnt going to hurt me. Anyway, I really liked it cos it made my teeth go all quivery and wobbily. Now I cant wait for her to come and see us cos she does it all the time. I like it here now and me and Muffin are really happy together. I know we will never have to be on our own again.

Muffin's story

How long have you been here Muffin?

Muffin - A few weeks now, I was happy in my last home but I was a bit lonely, there were 2 other bunnies there but they were together and I wanted to have someone to cuddle up to aswell.

What did you think when you first arrived at your forever home?

Muffin - Well, I was a bit worried actually, they put me next to another bunny and she looked a bit grumpy, I had to smile at her a few times until eventually, she smiled back. It took a few days, but now we are married.

What do you think of your big new house?

Muffin - Its so great, we have lots of room and we play in the garden every day. We can run and skip and eat grass everything.

How do you like being married to Emily?

Muffin - She is so lovely and cuddlely and keeps me warm. I know those cats wont come near me while she is there.

What do you think of your Mum and Dad?

Muffin - They are ok, they give us lots of nice things to eat, sometimes, I let them stroke my head but I like to make sure they are clean first so I give there hands a good lick to make sure.

Does anyone else want to say anything else?

Herbie - No!!