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Why did our little Bungle die

Bungle bunny

Mama Doe
On the 25th July, our cat brought in a little bunny. A beige lop. We have never had rabbits before but we fell in love with him straight away. We had no idea where he came from but took him to the vets and got advice on how to care for him. He got stronger and happier every day and just completely took over our lives. We got him his jabs when the time came and spent hours playing with him and loving him.. He sat on the sofa with us every night for cuddles and to poo on us.

We read every thing we could get our hands on to make sure that we were doing the right thing for him.

Last week, we took him to be neutered, we all ready got him a friend, Emily to bond with him and we just couldnt wait until he could snuggle up with a little friend of his own.

While he was having his op, we came home to wait to pick him up, then we got a call from the vet to tell us that during the op, his little heart stoped beating and they tried really hard but they just could not revive him.

Our little baby has gone and we just cant believe it. When he was having his check before the op, the vet told us that he was the healthiest little bunny they had ever seen. Why then, what could have happened? Can someone please try to help us understand what could have gone wrong, please?

Thank you.
I'm sorry for your loss:( I have no idea I'm afraid, but I know rabbits are quite delicate pets hence are classified as exotics). I hope someone on here will have more idea.-sue
I am so so sorry that this happened and I feel very deeply for you. We had a similar story - a little fluffball was found on the common near us - a white and brown bun of only a few weeks. The Blue Cross took him in and when he was just a few weeks older we fell in love with him and called hm Snowdrop and re-homed him. We also took him for his 'op' and his heart also stopped beating.

All I can say is that it is so rare - our bunnyvet who is very very very good had never had it happen before and she does lots and lots. She thinks he must have had some abnormality that did not show up before - and that maybe this was even the reason that he had ended up away from his litter.

We were heartbroken just as you are. Please be re-assured that if you bravely take on another ball of fluff in your life it should not happen the same way - I have 16 buns and this is the only one to ever die during an op. It is rare with a good bunny vet (and it sounds like yours is).

Just try and remember the good times and keep his memory alive.
If the op was otherwise routine and done by a experienced vet it's often the sign of an undiagnosed problem eg a heart condition. The sort of things that routine pre op checks wouldn't detect.
Our little Bungle

Thanks everyone for your kind words, its so lovely to be able to talk about him with people who understand. I would really like to put a pic of him on but I cant work out how to do it, can anyone tell me?

Bungles mummy
This is such a sad story but he's left you a legacy really..if he hadn't come along(courtesy of your cat:)) you most probably would never have had he world of rabbits opened up to you, and perhaps becauseof his passing you might be able to go along to a rescue and find another needy bunster to be bonded with Emily..so really, he's been responsible for ensuring that 2 rabbits will have a wonderful home.:). Thinking of you.
Im sorry about poor Bungle, at least you gave him a lovely life. Anaesthetising a bunny is very risky.

RIP Bungle x x x


Managed to download thank you.
Here are a couple of pics of Bungle from when we first saved him to recently. Enjoy!
Hi, I am so sorry to hear about your loss, I lost my 4mth old lionhead back in January under GA while she was being spayed, I had a full investigation though and found out that she had 3 heart attacks. But I still blamed them.
The other thing though there could have been something wrong with her because we had adopted her from PAH and knew nothing about her.

We had our fair share of mice and birds and frogs. But Bungle was just a blessing in disguise! We couuldn't believe it and unharmed as well. I think we stopped the cat in the knick of time.When we have spoken about Bungle to friends and family they can't see why we are so upset as "he was just a rabbit". He was so much more than just a rabbit to us. The first picture posted shows Bungle with Stan, the cat that bought him to us. They ended up getting on so well and Bungle would chase them around the garden.
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Such a sad story yet happy at the same time. I'm please he was able to show you how much joy a rabbit can bring into your life. As for those who say 'he was just a rabbit' I feel sorry for them cause they don't know what they are missing out on. Maybe soon you will feel ready to adopt another bun and give it the forever home it deserves.
Oh my, what a gorgeous bunny!

I agree with what Suzanne says, I never dealt with the grief over losing my first bunny because of people saying 'it's just a rabbit', until 5 years later when I finally met someone who understood. This might only be a forum, and might only be random people on the internet, but it's can be comforting to know there are other people out there who understand how you feel and don't think your a crazy bunny lady!

I'm so sorry you lost your boy :cry: I hope you have many happy times to share with Emily, I'm sure she has a wonderful home with you.

Binky free little Bungle x
So sorry that you lost Bungle like this :cry: I lost Clover the same way, and it's really devastating...if you end up getting a new partner for Emily maybe adopt a bun who has already been neutered so you dont have the anxiety of another op?...RIP little Bungle :cry:
I am so very sorry you lost Bungle, it is hard losing a rabbit and you have come to the right place to talk about your feelings. Most of us have lost a rabbit and know what you are feeling.

You may want to put a post on Rainbow Bridge in his memory (he looked like he was a lovely bunny).

In time, you may take on a rescue bunny. Quite often they have been neutered so you would not need to go through the worry.