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Moving house - time to try bonding four?


New Kit
We are moving house next month and I'm toying with the idea of trying to bond our two male/female couples (I haven't dared to try it before as we have no neutral area in the flat). However, there are some problems which make me doubt whether it would be such a good idea after all. One of the males is six years old (the others are 1-3 years old) and he had a bad case of head tilt (reason unknown) two years ago. At the time he was bonded with quite a dominant female whose behaviour made him very timid and the vet advised against rebonding them in case he would survive. Well, he survived and regained his health, and is more confident now he has a new partner with whom he gets along quite well. The other couple are unseparable, he's very dominant but loves grooming her and she's very submissive towards him and they even go to the toilet box together. However, I have a feeling that the girls might cause some trouble if I do try to bond all four; at the moment the flat is divided into two by a "fence" (part of an outdoor pen" so they can see and smell each other, and especially the girls seem to be very aggressive towards each other although it only lasts some seconds, then both calm down and one of them ignores the other one whereas she keeps on staring at her. The boys also show some aggression but as a whole, none of them really keeps on trying to attack the others and they all get bored of it very quickly. The question is, should I try to bond them straightaway after the move when the new flat is still a neutral territory and they are in a state of shock because of all the new things? Or would it just be better to split the flat into two halves? I really hate doing that because I feel that I’m favouring the couple who I spend more time in the same room with…