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Wonder why they are doing this?


Young Bun
Im not getting our 2 mini lops new home untill weekend so for now they are having to share a 3ft hutch with small run downstairs :(

Anyway the kitty litter tray Ive put in there to poop train them has become their fav place to lay in together. Then they poop all around it :?

Its plastic so it cant be because its cool. It is in the bottom of the hutch. Dont know whether or not to get a proper bunny litter tray for the new hutch or not now?

What do you think? They do look dead cute in the tray though :love:
Im not getting our 2 mini lops new home untill weekend so for now they are having to share a 3ft hutch with small run downstairs :(

Anyway the kitty litter tray Ive put in there to poop train them has become their fav place to lay in together. Then they poop all around it :?

Its plastic so it cant be because its cool. It is in the bottom of the hutch. Dont know whether or not to get a proper bunny litter tray for the new hutch or not now?

What do you think? They do look dead cute in the tray though :love:

'Reliable' litter training usually only comes with neutering. Rabbits also prefer not to have their latrine near where they sleep (in the wild this would attract predators to the burrow), they may also sleep in the litter tray because it feels safe.
Hmm, so do you think that when the new hutch and run come (run underneath with access from hutch) it would be best to put litter tray down stairs in the run?
Hmm, so do you think that when the new hutch and run come (run underneath with access from hutch) it would be best to put litter tray down stairs in the run?

I'd put one up and one down and move it to the spot/corner they prefer to use, rather than persuading them to go where you want them too :D Buns have their own minds about these things! :lol: You can always take one away eventually if it never gets used. To start with it's always better to give them lots of opportunity to get it right. Again, until spayed they may never be totally reliable with the litter training so don't stress about it too much right now :)
Leo and Lila have 2 litter trays and a basket to sleep in. I orginally started off with 1 cat litter tray and a plastic dog bed I filled with hay which is where I hoped they would lie down or sit and munch hay. Well they decided it was better to use the dog bed as their toilet and lie down in the litter tray!:roll::lol: Leo used to get Megazorb stuck in his mane!

Then I moved the litter tray cos I noticed they were going to another corner to poop and gave them a low wicker basket just for hay. Its been a week now and they are using the litter tray and dog bed as toilets and still have a lovely basket just for hay. They have all these in their run because they never ever poop or wee in their hutch.