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What is up with my pair?!


Wise Old Thumper
Sorrel and Apache (both neutered) have been happy together since they were bonded in august but these last few weeks sorrel has been humping apache LOADS. any ideas why, or what I could do about it? She is quite a bit bigger than him and i'm worried she'll hurt him, or worse, they'll end up having to separate. :?

The thign is she still grooms him a lot so it's not like she hates him or anything :?
Sounds like spring fever, all bunnies are acting a bit funny this time of year I think :roll:
agree with the above. My two have been at it for weeks. However, this week we have much more calm and no humping! Hurrah! Its all calmed down again! Back to what they used to be like...hopefully not speaking too soon. :?:?:?
Its spring!!! I had this last year,Daisy kept humping poor Fluffy and he didnt like it one bit!!!:shock: However after a week or 2 it stopped