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My bunny loves the radiator!


Alpha Buck
My bunny sammy is 1 and half years old, we've had him since he was 8 weeks old, he lives in his hutch outside which has loads of blankets and hutch covers so he seems to be ok when it gets cold outside.

My worry is in the winter each of my buns get in the house for about 2 hours every day for exercise but Sammy loves to go straight under the bed and lie next to the radiator. He's one of those "leave me alone" bunnies :D Its really cute as its the only time he seems so relaxed, he completely sprawls out. Anyway my question is should I limit his time by the radiator so it dosent effect him when he goes outside?

Does anybody else have a bunny that loves the heat?
Whenever we come home from work, Lou is always sat underneath the radiator in his room, and as soon as he comes into the lounge he's under one in here.

I always worry about him burning his little backside, but I reckon he'd move if it got too hot or uncomfortable.
Ellie the friench lop loves sleeping next to ours ! she sleeps next to the shed radiator too lol
I have a heater for the chincillas they warm there bums , they look so funny. as its quite away from their bums