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Sudden death!


Young Bun
I'm so upset and shocked, I just found my beautiful girl Tilly dead in her cage. I have no idea what caused it, she was perfectly fine last night and has eaten her greens but not her dried food. Her cage was a big mess everything was everywhere it's like she had some kind of fit or something. I just don't know. I'm just devastated she was only 3.

I am really sorry :cry:
Sudden death is so hard to come to terms with. Some people feel they must try to find out what happened and opt for a Post Mortem to be done. This is particularly important if there are other Rabbits in the household.

I always ask my Vet to carry out a PM on any of my Buns that pass away. But it is a very personal decision and I know some people feel unable to consider it.

Again, I am so sorry for your loss :cry:
she was vaccinated although she was due for her booster last week and i never got round to it, I was taking her there tonight for it. Do you think it could be VHD? She had no signs of blood discharge from anywhere.

I'm not sure about pm's! Not too keen on the idea of having my beautiful cut open, I don't think I could have it done to her. I know she's gone but it's still her.

I may consider it as I do have another rabbit, although they didn't live together (couldn't bond them as they hated each other!!) they did live very close to one another.

I'm just devasted. I'm still sitting here in shock, I can't believe my gorgeous grumpy girl has gone.

Im very sorry it's very shocking when you find them like that. I know you feel uncomfrotable about it but a PM really is the best way to find out what happened and also the best way to protect any other rabbits in the house, you will know if it is anything you need to protect against xx
Im very sorry it's very shocking when you find them like that. I know you feel uncomfrotable about it but a PM really is the best way to find out what happened and also the best way to protect any other rabbits in the house, you will know if it is anything you need to protect against xx

I agree, id have to know so i could prevent it happening again (if i could)
sorry for your loss. It is not unlikely that she had a fit just before dying, it is not uncommon in rabbits. I'd personally get a PM done if I had another rabbit as I would want to rule out any infectious possibilities.