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Un-neauted male

no ..it would drive her mad mounting her.
He would be constantly frustrated and she would be constantly harassed...and its likely to turn into a fight
Yeah i agree.
Would advise neutering and then allowing him 6weeks before introducing him to a female :) :wave:
Thanks. Im not sure whether we will get him a friend or not. We havent had him long and need to get him used to us first. Plus we got him through adoption as he had been fighting with others!
Awww poor little love! I'm not surprised he was fighting, unneutered buns together in a confined space will fight - it's not any indication on how he will behave when neutered and properly introduced to a companion :)

I would strongly recommend you get him neutered soon, and then think about a friend once his hormones have had a chance to calm down after the op :)
Thanks. Would love to get him done straight away but money is a bit tight at the minute and we would need to get a bigger hutch. We have him inside at the minute as we wanted him to get used to us and since he is only 4 months old has never lived outside before. He has a 4ft hutch that has a run made from NIC cubes attached which I think is big enough for him but would be a bit small for 2 bunnies. He also gets free run of the house during the evenings when were home.

We will want to put him outside in the spring- when would be the best time to do this? Would we be better introducing a female when he is still inside so we can watch them more closely?

This is his current set up- do people think it is big enough for him? Hate to think he is cramped up!
