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  • Please Note - Medical Advice

    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

    We are very grateful to members who take time to answer other members questions, but please do be clear in your replies that you are sharing personal experience and not giving instructions on what must be done.

    Urgent Medical Advice: If you need, or think you might need, urgent medical advice you should contact a vet. If it is out of working hours phone your vet's normal number and there should be an answer phone message with instructions on what to do.

Really ill bunny-please help!


Warren Scout
Sorry for the long post, i just really don't know what to do. I'm so scared for my rabbit...

Some of you may have read my post in the rabbit chat section - Minnie stopped eating on Sunday and hasn't eaten since. Vets have been syringe feeding her and found an abcess in her stomach which they removed yesterday. She's been at the vets since Monday and they thought seeing as they removed the abcess she would have started to eat or produce droppings by now but still nothing!!

I went to the vet after work and he said she's still very unwell but had sat up in her cage for the first time since Monday which was a good sign. They gave her the injections and syringe fed some pinapple into her. He took her temperature and said it was very high which meant she might have an infection inside where she was cut open.

Anyway they said she had refused all the food they had given her (apparently only dandelion leaves which she has never had before) but that she could come home this evening because a home environment might make her start to eat or at least comfort her. It looked positive when she returned as she nibbled a tiny corner of some spring greens I gave her. She also did a wee in her litter tray and produced a few tiny wet poos which is a good sign right?? She's been lying down in the litter tray since 7pm and keeps closing her eyes. I have tried tempting her with greens but she's not interested anymore. I've been stroking her and gave her a heat pad to make her warm, just trying to do everything to make her comfortable.

She's just so lifeless and looks so ill, just lying there with her eyes shut and breathing quite heavily...i'm so scared she's slipping away! she's only 1 so still really young, i will be devastated if anything happens to her as she's the best rabbit ever and i love her so much.

I really hope she's not giving up... i've been reading other threads and seen so many sad stories about this. I hope she pulls through! Is there anything I can do to help her?
Has she had any fluid therapy at the vets or at home, and what painkillers is she being given?

Opiates can really knock some rabbits out and make them appear very lethargic.
I'm not sure. They syringe fed some pinapple into her and gave her an injection of baytrill and a painkiller. He was injecting lots into her but i didn't get any of the names... i haven't paid yet otherwise it may have been on my printed receipt.

She looks like she's in a really deep sleep, the only way i can tell she's still alive is by her breathing. I'm going to stay up all night with her
I would suggest checking her hydration levels by pinching the loose skin on her scruff, it should spring back into position if she is hydrated...if not it will tent.

In this situation she could do with being syringe fed some warm water to help keep her guts lubricated and prevent any ingesta from drying out inside her.

Keeping her warm is obviously a must....what have you tried to tempt her appetite with?

When are you due to take her back to the vets, have they given you any medication for her to have at home?
They've only let me have her at home for the night. They said that as she hadn't eaten anything with them and the they had given her all her medication before I left and also no one is there over night, she might as well come back home so she is in a familiar environment and we can tempt her with her favourite foods.

I've tried her with spring greens which are normally her favourite and some chunks of apple. Obviously there's plenty of hay in there too but she's touched nothing.

They didn't give me any painkiller or medicine to take home as they said what they'd given her should see her through. I'm to take her back in first thing.

I've tried pinching the scruff of her neck and can't really tell if it tents or not. I've got a bowl of semi-warm water with a drop of apple juice in to tempt her too but she doesn't want any liquid.

I'm so worried she hasn't eaten since Sunday and it'll be Friday tomorrow. I thought she'd be ok after they removed the lump.... i just want her to be ok. it all came so suddenly :cry:

The vet also said that because of her temperature being so high and the risk of infection they might have to open her up again tomorrow - 2nd time in 2 days, that's not normal is it?? She had an x-ray on Monday so surely she can't have 3 GA'S in a week!!
Hiya, so sorry for you and your poorly bun. The vet has given her antibiotocs and pain killers so thats good. She is probably sore and a bit woozy from the op. The vet syringe feeding her will have kept her gut moving and it does sound like she is in good care from both the vet and yourself. Sometimes its hard, but they just need a little time and rest to get over surgery. Keep up what you are doing and tempting her with her favourites.

If you can get some fresh pineapple then It would be worth syringe feeding her that with some boiled water - will help keep her guts moving. Do you have and recovery? If not some mashed pellets with the pineapple and water and syringe fed will help to get some poos.

Thinking of you x
Can't offer any more advice than is on here already. I hope she will improve during the night for you. Can you get to a 24 hrs tesco/sainsbury and get some herbs, even ones she may not normally eat.

Sending her lots of get well vibes.
do you have a small syringe try using that, fill with water and push slowly on the side of her mouth,dont force it dont her though , she may get annoyed but start to lap it up if she does keep going until she refuses it,

fingers crossed for you
Oh dear, i'm sorry minnie is so ill :( I'm sure you are doing all you can. I don't know what to suggest other than continue with syringe feeding.. when my bun poppy gave up eating we managed to keep her going by syringe feeding her beetroot. I hope minnie starts feeling better soon xx
Yes i've just found a syringe and have filled it with warm water and apple, she's not being very co-operative and it's mostly gone all over her face but she's lapped up a bit. Shall I just keep giving her as much as she can take? wasn't sure if i just pump her with water and she's not eaten anything will this be ok?

I thought she might be a bit tired from the op but it was yesterday afternoon so surely she should be perking up a bit a whole day after?

I'll try her with some herbs.
Yes i've just found a syringe and have filled it with warm water and apple, she's not being very co-operative and it's mostly gone all over her face but she's lapped up a bit. Shall I just keep giving her as much as she can take? wasn't sure if i just pump her with water and she's not eaten anything will this be ok?

I thought she might be a bit tired from the op but it was yesterday afternoon so surely she should be perking up a bit a whole day after?

I'll try her with some herbs.

I would aim to get at least 10mls down her and try to get her to take some more every couple of hours.

I've also made up syringe feeds of warm water, critical care and a little apple & pear baby food which normally go down reasonably well.
when you try it dont put her on your lap just feed it to her where she is,and soothing tones, i had to do this with linus when he wasnt eating or drinking, for some reason he prefered it that way

she got hay next to her as well, the smell may tempt her i know its long shot,
As Sooz says critical care - recovery I called it is great as It contains fibre and probiotic, if not do try some mashed up pellets with the apple and water, the fibre will do her good x

PS also - its not very nice but when I have an anorexic bun I wrap them in a towel and syringe feed until they take no more - usually they will take about 3 syringes when they have no option. As i say Its not nice but if your objective is to get her to eat and gut moving it may be necessary.

I tend to drop the towel over bun and gently scoop them up and wrap towel around them like a baby. Make sure her head is above her body and her feet tucked in. Hold her fairly tight so she can't struggle and hurt her wound and then put the syringe in the side of her mouth - she will most likely start lapping once she tastes it x
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Force feeding is an absolute must in any kind of sickness like this. When a bun is in pain, they shut down their own system due to the pain, so you must force feed.

Try the following:

1) Get some non-meat content baby food, such as Heinz Carrot, suck up the carrot baby food in a syringe, boil 1 cup of hot water in your microwave or boiler. Put the syringe inside the cup of hot water for 2 min. or so. Now force feed your bun

2) Get 6 oz. of blackberry or raspberry, smash it in your juicer, force feed the pulp to your bun by pushing the blackberry pulp in a 35 ml syringe

3) You can try critical care, but critical care smells bad, doesn't taste good, and the above can induce your bun's diet more than critical care

Your goal is to get some food inside him, the tastier the better

Also syringe feed your bun w/ water or juice. If you smash blackberry, you might as well use the blackberry juice, it's very good for your bun.

Make sure your vet is a rabbit savvy vet and knows rabbit inside out to do 2 surgeries in 2 days
Minnie's still no better. She hasn't touched her food this morning and still looks in a lot of pain. I've also heard her grinding her teeth a lot. She's going to the vet for more injections this morning and i hope they will be able to get some food into her.... fingers crossed. She's certainly looking a lot brighter, maybe being at home is doing some good.

I will get the ingredienta above so i can feed her tonight if necessary

Bit concerned as my vet said he only does rabbit surgery about once a year...
I don't think Minnie is going to last much longer. I'm so upset i'm just sitting with her in my arms crying my eyes out. She hasn't eaten for 5 days now and she got her last painkiller/antibiotic at 6pm this evening. Since home she's just been lying lifeless with her eyes shut.

Normally she won't let me pick her up but she let me tonight and has just been lying in my arms looking worse and worse. I've managed to syringe feed her some warm water and apple juice and lots of recovery mix. How much should I be giving? I gave her a whole large syringe full as i wanted her to have as much as possible. Still hasn't passed any droppings for 5 days.... i'm really worried as i really don't think my vets are rabbit savvy. Anyone knwo any really good rabbit savvy vets near Croydon?

Now she's all floppy and is just cuddling my chest, Wherever i put her she just lies there, she won't move...i think she's dying. Her eyes are really dull and half shut and she's breathing really heavily. He also keeps making a coughing/sneezing sound which makes me think she can't breathe properly. Vet is giving her antibiotics are she thinks she's got an infection after the op as well as full blown Gut stasis. I really hope she pulls through but she's getting worse by the hour.

I paid £1,200 in vet bills today and she's booked in for another injection at the vet first thing tomorrow. What do I do? do i call the emmergency vet now to see if they can help me? they probably wont be able to give her anymore injections/pain relief as they only gave her some a few hours ago and she's at the vet in the morning....
Or do i keep her next to me and just cuddle her and keep her comfortable if these are her final hours.

I'm so upset... i really don't know what to do for the best. She's not getting any better. DO you think there's a chance of her pulling through and getting better or do you think after 5/6 days of not eating/pooing she won't? I love her so much and just want to do what's best for her. I feel like i'm done everything I can so far but it's just not working......
I am so so sorry to hear this, I am afraid I am too far away to be able to point you in the direction of a good vet in your area but you can search the RCVS site for a surgery that has exotics/small animal accredations.

I think, unfortunately, that it is probably too late now for Minnie and that you have done all you can for her in this situation. I've found your post quite upsetting to read because to me it does sound like a rabbit who has had enough and is waiting to move on.

Personally in your position I would be seriously thinking of helping Minnie on her way, rather than waiting for her to die when she sounds to be suffering.

This is, of course, a decision only you are in a position to make....after all I cannot see Minnie for myself and have only the information in your posts to go on.

Thinking of you both. x