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Shall i spay my rabbit?

cream 3

New Kit
We have a 3 year old single female rabbit who, sadly lost her daughter (and boyfriend) recently and is pining badly. I'm aware that for Cream to have another companion we'll have to spay her as they are so territorial. I want to know if anyone who has more experience than me with rabbits can tell me if it'll be worthwhile to get her done, or if she'll probably be ok soon. She's in a big outdoor run with a huge hutch so there's lots of room for a friend. Thanks
Yes, it's definitely a good idea to have her spayed, as it will also eliminate the (very high) chance of her getting uterine cancer!

Hope all goes well with it x
Yes, it's worthwhile. She wont be "OK" unless she's spayed or routinely mated; and IMHO there's no point breeding from a rabbit that isn't show standard and will not be producing show standard offspring who will be getting shown.
Thanks for that! I did think I'd done the best thing 3 1/2 years ago when I bought 2 gorgeous 'female bunnies'. (I was told that females can live in harmony together and no need for spaying) Only we found that 1 was definately not a female when some babies arrived soon after. The father and 2 of his babies have died young and suddenly (probably due to some sort of heart defect passed on by him according to our vet) So now she's all alone for the first time so it's really sad. I was hoping to avoid the spaying but it sounds like there's not really any other option
I agree you should get her spayed too as per Caroline's post there is a risk of cancer. You can also get her a loving husbun then (if you get him from RSPCA or rescue they are normally already "done" and vaccinated).
Thanks for that! I did think I'd done the best thing 3 1/2 years ago when I bought 2 gorgeous 'female bunnies'. (I was told that females can live in harmony together and no need for spaying) Only we found that 1 was definately not a female when some babies arrived soon after. The father and 2 of his babies have died young and suddenly (probably due to some sort of heart defect passed on by him according to our vet) So now she's all alone for the first time so it's really sad. I was hoping to avoid the spaying but it sounds like there's not really any other option

Quite often they can - I used to have two unspayed does that were quite happy together; but they both died from cancer.
definately worth it, uterine cancer is one of the main health issues for does. It is benneficial in many ways towards her behaviour also, can stop terratorial and aggression problems, phantom pregnancy, imporve litter training and as you said, means she can be bonded more easily. I would deffinately have her speyed, very worth it! :D My little boy and girl are both done
happy doe

thanks for all of your thought s and advice - after reluctantly having Cream spayed a couple of months ago she is living ever so happily with 2 male companions. The scarey thing is that the vet said she had the beginning of a uterine tumour so the op actually saved her life - thanks again x