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Rabbit runs


Young Bun
Hi, i know this thread has probs come up 837363 times before, and i have looked at the housing pics above but noticed some are quite old and the photobucket picture no longer comes up.

Basically i am looking to build a run for my rabbit, i am going to join in to my rabbits current hutch, he does have a run atm but he doesnt like being handled so i always feel nasty when i have to pick him up to take him to it and he doesnt like the pet carrier idea either, his not silly! he thinks his off to the vets! Lol.

I just wanted to know if anyone has any pictures of there home made runs or any runs they have designed to attach to the hutch, would be a great help as i am planning on drawing up a few designs tomorrow. Also things like, suitable wood? .. Sorry to be a pain but would really appreciate any help! :D
there is a great one posted tonight made from avairy panels,

sheets of wood you would be looking at marine plywood, which is suitable for outdoor use,

structure could be any hard or soft wood. Soft wood would need to be treated more often. Hard wood is more expensive, but will last longer