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mmmm apple


Staff member
My mum 'trimmed' the apple tree in my sisters garden this morning, look what she brought home for the bunnies!

(Me hanging um up in the run, whilst bunnies escape)



Looks yummy.

I gave Bella and Tarquin a bit of apple last night for the first time in ages and they loved it - shame I can't give them the leaves and branches too :lol:
mine love it,my uncle is a tree surgeon and he always brings home apple and willow for his bunny yeeha, i get v jealous lol!!
Thanks :D I love watching them occupied with things like that. They love striping bark - keeps them off the hutch legs too :roll::lol:

It's the other way around :D Alfie is the brown/dutch marked bun with the blue eyes and Gypsy is the black bun with independent ears :lol: