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HELP . . .Teasle not eating after his op :(

Cornish Teasle

Warren Scout
Hi Teasle went in on tuesday to have a dental and be castrated at the same time.

He was very sleepy and quite on wednesday - put this down to the anasthetic however he is hardly eating at all . He has had his teeth done a few times before and recovered fine

Any ideas of what i can offer him thats really tempting i'm still very worried about him as he is still quite and sleeping a lot in his bedroom - which is unusual for him :(

so far i have offered - soaked pellets / dry pellets, Carrots grated and sliced, Celery grated, cucumber , soft cabbage , bread dampened so its soft

these are things he usually loves - any other ideas of something really temptng to get him eating again

am so worried about him :(
Dandelions and herbs such as parsley and coriander are always tempting.

Our bunnies favourites are the bags of dried herbs that Burns and the Naturals range produce.

Is Teasel drinking and pooing. Did the vet give him some painkillers before he came home. I think it would be wise to speak to the vet about more pain relief and try to syringe feed Teasle.
I would check which anaesthetic your vet used as he should have come round quicker than he has. Also check he had enough painkillers like Vanessa said, and dandelions too - go find some as once he's started eating he will get his appetite back, whereas the longer they go on 'empty' the less hungry they get. Would be a good idea to syringe him some water warmed from the kettle if he's fully conscious too - or pop him back to the vets and ask them to give him sub cutaneous injection of fluids, and maybe some more painkiller :)
That's quite a surgery. Usually the GA doesn't long that long to do 2 surgeries back to back. As there is a danger to have GA lasting that long. Unless it's 2 set of surgeon working together.

If there is dental work, just because he had prev. work done, and willing to eat those food post surgery, doesn't mean he'll eat the same food after this surgery

His gum and jaw could be sore. I would use a juicer to smash blackberry in a mix and give it to him. I don't like Critical care style soft mix as they don't taste good (they taster horible), and rabbit gone thru 2 surgeries that intense should be rewarded w/ good soft food, such as blackberry pulp.

You can put seedhead on top, but not hay stem, as they are too hard for sore gum
i had this problem with b after she had ga for xray.so i tried her with her treats of dried fruit and she ended up with cystitis cos was feeding her too much cr*p and she wouldn't drink much.then she had fur balls and stasis so ended up putting her on a special diet.shes still on a low calcium diet.We had so many problems with her just cos of a bl**dy anaesthetic!When took her to vets today for myxy jab vet asked what veg shes on as shes badly stained with urine but then decided with all shes been through a little fur stain was better than cystitis!!So we've stuck to her diuretic/low calcium diet.:)So what im saying is dont give her too much rubbish to get her eating cos sometimes its not always for the best,although obviously if shes not eating at all you have to do what you have to do!
Thanks loads for all the advice - took himback to the vets today as he was looking much worse :(

they have given him another pain killer injection and an injection to get his digestion moving

he now seems a bit brighter and has eated some carrot some celery and 3 dandilions - have syringe fed him some solution from the vet to encourage his tum to work again!!

tried the mushed blackberries but cant get them through the syringe as even though i used the blender the small bits of pip keep blocking the syringe nozzle ??

any other suggestions greatlfully recieved - will get a bigger syringe tomorrow so i can feed him directly

keep fingers and toes crossed everyone - am still very worried but hopeful tha he has finaly eaten something!
Poor Teasel. He must be hurting at both ends! Will he eat a normal blackberry? I know mine wolf them down. Go easy on dandelions as I *think* they are quite high in Calcium, although I realise that at the moment anything you get down him to keep his guts moving is a bonus. Quick improvement vibes on their way to you.:)
ETA Just a thought..have you tried giving him some porridge? That's very high fibre and most bunsters love it. Just a small spoonful mixed with water and microwaved and then left to cool in a saucer for him. It's always worth a try. Is he drinking normally? If he usually has a bottle then it's worth trying him with a bowl as it's less work for him.
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he is not keen on blackberries it seems have tried him with whole ones and mushed not impressed

he is a fussy bu88er at the best of times!

all good thoughe greatfully recieved he is lying down now and looks awful however if i call him he sits up and looks quite perky - oh come little man i is a worried bun mum
if he's eating on his own you don't need to syringe feed - just mush up some pellets and when they're cooled down a bit put the stuff in with them :) If you cut the end off a normal 1ml syringe you can use it for more solid stuff, but it sounds like he'll eat on his own now - if you do this make sure you sand the sharp edges off the syringe where you've cut it, using an emery board (the type you have for fingernails)