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bunny still nervous


Young Bun
hi ive had my bunny nearly a week he his still really really nervous he will not let me pick him up if i do he just kicks and goes he runs when you go and see him he doesnt really like being stroked either please help thanks
Do it slowly - a week is early to build trust. Took me a year to be trusted by Calel & Chocolate:rolleyes:

I wouldn't pick up at first - gain buns trust with treats & they will then come for strokes without fear of being whisked into the air.
A week is no time at all for a rabbit to settle, it will take much longer for you to gain his trust. Avoid picking him up at all for a while untill he feels more confident with you. Try hand feeding him some yummy veg and sit with him and let him come to you. Dont feel disheartend he just needs more time. For the time being let him call the shots and take things slow.
I have had Wiggy, just under a week now, and he will come to me, let me stroke his head, and sometimes his back - but he soon withdraws. I just sit in the run and let him come to me, and hand feed him bits of veg. He is long coated, so I do have to pin him down occassionly to give him a quick brush - but I am going to avoid picking him up until I know he is really confident with me.

Knowing it can take up to a year to get them confident is useful, so any strides made at this stage are the building blocks of what is to come.

From what I have read, Rabbit don't like being picked up. Full stop. So, you have to know how to pick them up correctly, and make sure they are totally confident with you first.